Words Flashcards
Abandoned Products
Grocery items that shoppers buy
but never use
What is the 80/20 Rule?
The rule of thumb (or heuristic) whereby only 20% of a product’s users account for 80% of the volume of that product that a company sells.
ABC Model of Attitudes
A multidimensional perspective stating that attitudes are jointly defi ned by affect, behaviour and cognition
Absolute Threshold
The minimum amount of stimulation that can be detected by a sensory channel
Access-Based Consumption
Transactions that can be market mediated but where no transfer of ownership takes place
Accommodative purchase decision
The process to achieve agreement among a group whose members have different preferences or priorities
The process of learning the beliefs and behaviours endorsed by another culture
Acculturation agents
Friends, family, local businesses and other reference groups which facilitate the learning of cultural norms
Achieved status
Status earned through hard work.
Activation models of memory
Approaches to memory stressing different levels of processing that occur and activate some aspects of memory rather than others, depending on the nature of the processing task
Activity Stores
A retailing concept that lets consumers participate in the production of the products or services being sold in the store
Actual Self
A person’s realistic appraisal of his or her qualities
The process that occurs when a sensation becomes so familiar that it is no longer the focus of attention
Online games merged with interactive advertisements that let companies target specifi c types of consumers
The way a consumer feels about an attitude object
A term used to describe what some critics see as the negative side effects for consumers’ mental and physical health of an excessive focus on consumption; and the underlying assumption of an inverse relationship between happiness and concern with material goods
Age cohort
A group of consumers of the same approximate age who have undergone similar experiences
Agentic Goals
Goals that stress self-assertion and mastery and are associated with males
Activities, Interests, & Opinions. The psychographic variables used by researchers in grouping consumers
Alternate Reality Games (ARGs)
Games that take place in an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and media across multiple platforms to deliver a story that can be altered by players actions
A concept in behavioural economics that refers to a number that people use as a standard for future judgements