Word Smart 3 Flashcards
Antithetical (an tuh THET i cul)
adj. diametrically opposed, as in antithesis
the opposite of something
e.g. The antithesis of poverty is wealth
Apathy (A puh thee)
n. lack of interest of feeling
Apocryphal (uh PAH cri ful)
adj. of dubious authenticity or origin; spurious
Apogee (A poh jee)
n. farthest or highest point; culmination; zenith
the lowest or closest point, or the nadir
Apostate (uh PAH stayt)
n. one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions, a betrayer of cause
Apotheosis (uh pah thee O sis)
n. deification, glorification to godliness, the perfect example
Apposite (A pah zit)
adj. appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apropos
adj. relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite
Apprise (uh PRIZ)
v. give notice to, inform
Approbation (a pruh BAY shun)
n. an expression of approval or praise
to approve of something officially
Appropriate (uh PRO pree ayt)
v. to take for one’s own use, confiscate
v. worship, regard, or treat (someone or something) as a god