Word Knowledge (Suffixes) Flashcards
Suffix: able, ible
Meaning: able, capable
Examples: visible
Suffix: age
Meaning: act of, state of, result of
Examples: wreckage
Suffix: al
Meaning: relating to
Examples: gradual
Suffix: algia
Meaning: pain
Examples: myalgia
Suffix: an, ian
Meaning: native of, relating to
Examples: riparian
Suffix: ance, ancy
Meaning: action, process, state
Examples: defiance
Suffix: ary, ery, ory
Meaning: relating to, quality, place
Examples: aviary
Suffix: cian
Meaning: processing a specific skill or art
Examples: physician
Suffix: cule, ling
Meaning: very small
Examples: sapling, animalcule
Suffix: cy
Meaning: action, function
Examples: normalcy
Suffix: dom
Meaning: quality, relam
Examples: wisdom
Suffix: ee
Meaning: one who receives the action
Examples: Nominee
Suffix: en
Meaning: made of, to make
Examples: silken
Suffix: ence, ency
Meaning: action, state of, quality
Examples: urgency
Suffix: er, or
Meaning: one who, that which
Examples: professor
Suffix: escent
Meaning: in the process of
Examples: adolescent, senescence
Suffix: esis, osis
Meaning: action, process, condition
Examples: genesis, neurosis
Suffix: et, ette
Meaning: small one, group
Examples: baronet, lorgnette
Suffix: fic
Meaning: making, causing
Examples: specific
Suffix: ful
Meaning: full of
Examples: frightful
Suffix: hood
Meaning: order, condition, quality
Examples: adulthood
Suffix: ice
Meaning: condition, state, quality
Examples: malice
Suffix: id, ide
Meaning: connected with, belonging to
Examples: bromide
Suffix: ile
Meaning: relating to, suited for, capable of
Examples, Juvenile
Suffix: ine
Meaning: nature of
Examples: feminine
Suffix: ion, sion, tion
Meaning: act, result, state of
Examples: contagion
Suffix: ish
Meaning: origin, nature, resembling
Examples: impish
Suffix: ism
Meaning: system, manner, condition, characteristic
Examples: capitalism
Suffix: ist
Meaning: one who, that which
Examples: artist, flautist
Suffix: ite
Meaning: nature of, quality of, mineral product
Examples: graphite
Suffix: ity, ty
Meaning: state of, quality
Examples: captivity
Suffix: ive
Meaning: causing, making
Examples: exhaustive
Suffix: ize, ise
Meaning: make
Examples: idolize, bowdlerize
Suffix: ment
Meaning: act of, state or, result,
Examples: containment
Suffix: nomy
Meaning: law
Examples: autonomy, taxonomy
Suffix: oid
Meaning: resembling
Examples: asteroid, anthropoid
Suffix: some
Meaning: some
Examples: like, apt, tending to
Suffix: strat
Meaning: cover
Examples: strata
Suffix: tude
Meaning: state of, condition of
Examples: aptitude
Suffix: um
Meaning: forms single nouns
Examples: spectrum
Suffix: ure
Meaning: state of, act, process, rank
Examples: rupture, rapture
Suffix: ward
Meaning: in the direction of
Examples: backward
Suffix: y
Meaning: inclined to, tend to
Examples: faulty