Word Choice Flashcards
The dictionary definition of a word.
The emotional associations evoked by a word.
Double Entendre
When a word/phrase has a secondary meaning.
To use an inoffensive or more socially acceptable word for something that could be inappropriate or offensive to some.
When one word is mistakenly substituted for another that sounds similar.
A play on words that relies on the word’s having more than one meaning or sounding like another word.
Figures of Speech
A word or phrase not meant to be taken literally.
Comparing two unlike things using a connective (e.g. like, as, resembles).
Comparing two unlike things directly.
Implied Metaphor
A metaphoric comparison in which the terms being compared are not specifically being explained.
Extended Metaphor
A sustained comparison in which part or all of a work contains a series of related metaphors.
Controlling Metaphor
When the metaphor runs through an entire work and determines the form or nature of that work.
Giving human qualities to objects, animals, plants or ideas.
A direct address to someone who is not present (e.g. a deity, muse or other power).
Hyperbole (Overstatement)
Deliberate exaggeration.
Deliberately saying less than is intended.
Paradox (Oxymoron)
A statement that seems self-contradictory on the surface, but upon closer examination may reveal an underlying truth.
When a part of something is used to represent the whole.
When something closely associated with a subject is used to represent the subject.
Details that appeal to the senses; they trigger the imagination to form mental pictures.
Onomatopoeia (Aural Imagery)
Words that sound like the sound they represent.
The deliberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive poetic lines, prose sentences, clauses or sentences.
The ending of a series of lines, phrases, clauses or sentences with the same word or words.
Repeating a line within the same line or clause.
A line, part of a line or group of lines repeated in the course of a poem, sometimes with slight changes.
Language Registers
Language use for a particular purpose or a particular social setting.
Frozen (Static)
Language that remains fixed or unchanged; often used for formal recitations; utilizes formal diction.
Formal Diction
Dignified, impersonal, elevated language that follows the rules of syntax exactly and is characterized by complex word choice and loft tone.
Formal (Academic)
Language used in formal settings for one way communication; utilizes formal diction.
Language used in standard two-way communication; utilizes middle diction.
Middle Diction
Maintains correct language use, but is less elevated than formal diction.
Language used in informal conversation between peers and friends; utilizes informal diction.
Informal Diction
The plain language of everyday use which may include idioms, colloquialisms, slang and contradictions.
Language reserved for private communications; language where intonation is more important than diction or syntax and where private vocabulary and non-verbal communication is used.
Literal or factual description.
An indirect reference, often to a person, event, statement, theme or work.
Word Choice.
(Single words of strong connotative power).