Womens Health Flashcards
- whats inside
- adverse effects (5)
- –moderate ones (3)
- ——serious (5)
- contraindications (7)
- metabolism
Ethynyl E2 and possibly some P4 variant\
HA, N, mastalgia, edema
-breakthrough bleeding, withdrawl bleeding failing to
weight gain+acne+hirustisim (P4 like prgestins), urethral dilations->bacteruria, ammonoreha for several months after stopping
low incidence-Venous thrombomolic disease, MI, Cerebrovascular disease, Gi d/o, depression
CV, Cerebrovascular, thromboembolic hx
Migrane with aura, liver/gallbaldder disease, htn
OC benefits unrealted to contraception (3 main) and 4ish others
reduce risk of-ovarian cysts, endometrial and breast cancer
lower incidence of ectopic preg
prementstual sdx, dysmenorrhea, and endometriosis may be ameliorated
acne and hirsutism may be ameliorated
Ortho Evra
- what is it
- mech
- usage
Transdermal patch
Synthetic ethynyl estradio l adn P4 at high leve (but goes through slowly)
3 wks with pathc, 1 week off
- what is it
- usage
Flexible ring with ehtinyl E2 and P4
insert ring for 3 weeks and 4th week is ring free
- aka
- what is it
- usage
Nexplanon-subdermal implant
contains ONLY progestin
peka serum concetration in first few weeks-3 year ovulation supression
Depo Provera
- what is it (and what in it)
- usage
- adv
- disadv
progestin only
Im admin 1x/3mo
long duratio nof action and decreased menses
decreased bone density, weight gain, menstural irreg, depression, doctor admin
Morning after pill (can be e2, p4, or both)
LEvo is just P4
99% effective
P4 receptor antagonist=luteolytic effect->effective postcoital contraceptive
- what is it
- mech
- uses
- dose
- side fx
SERM-selective E2 receptor modulator
increase in secretion of gonadotropins and E2 by inhibiting E2 negative feedback effect
stim ovulation in oligomenorhrhea/amenorrhea and ovulatory dysfxn
-single course=somnge ovulation-do repeatedly until preg
hotflashes, NV, dperession, heavy meses, weight gainm multiple preg
- what is it
- use
GnRH agaonist
for anovulatory women who fail to respond to other less complicated forms of trx
- MC use is controled ovarian hyperstim for IVF
3rd gen cephalosprin
-inhibit biosyn of bacerial cell wall (cidal)
Azyhthomycin and Doxy
- use
- mech
- metabolism
- cidal vs static
Azithromycin-macrolide-protein synthesis inhibitor 50s ribosomal subinit
Doxycycline-target 30S ribosomal subunit
both are long acting and orally bioavilie
STDs that cause vaginal discharge and trx
CLAP and gonorrhea
Trichomonas vaginitis
- flagellated protozoan
- malodorous discharge
- metronidazone
Herpes vaginitis-acyclovir, valacyclovir, famiciclovir
- mech
- useage
- dosage
- side fx
- rare side fx
- contradincation
- pyruvate ferredoxin oxidorreductase (PFOR) is required-found isn susceptible microbes
- activation using ferredoxin as electron donor results in toxic radical
- chews up DNA
trx Trich
single dose
GI irritation (kills enteric microflora)-lessened with food, HA
neutropenia, pancreatitis, CNS tox
(12 hour window)Nursing, Preg, CNS disease
herpes Vaginitis trx
- microbe
- mech
- difference between 3 types
- doses
- 3 effects
- side fx
- special side fx
get it from HSV2
acyclovir, valacyclovir, famcicvlor
- competitiive inhibition of DNA polyermase of virus
- needs viral kinase to work
- chain termination after incorporation
Van and fam-are prodrugs of acyclovir
acyclovir 3x daily, fam 3x, vala 1x daily (best)
shorter duration, reduced ulcer heal time, decrease transmission
N, V, D, HA (eat before)
high dose valacyclovir-confusion ,hallucinations, seizures