Womens Health Flashcards
When does menarche begin?
The onset of menses usually occurs between the ages of 9 and 16 with an average age of 12 years.
How long does it take for reproductive system to become fully functional?
Two years is considered to be how long it may take for the reproductive system to become fully functional following menarche.
What are aspects of Gynecologic History ?
Menstrual history
Age of menarche
Date of last menstrual period
Number of days in cycle and regularity Character of flow
Problems-dysmenorrhea, intermenstrual pain/bleeding Premenstrual symptoms
What is Metorrhagia ?
Menses lasting longer than 7 days
Menstrual flow greater than 80 ml
What is the difference between primary and secondary Menorrhagia?
Primary-result from anovulatory cycles
Secondary-results from other pathology
What is Polymenorrhea ?
Bleeding cycle of
What is Menorrhagia ?
Any irregular, acyclic bleeding from the uterus between periods.
What is Menometorrhagia ?
Irregular bleeding or excessive bleeding during menstruation and between menstrual periods.
What is Amenorrhea ?
Absence of menses:
What is Primary Amenorrhea ?
This diagnosis is made when a woman has reached or exceeded age of menarche and has not started menses of either:
No period by the age of 14 in the absence of growth or development of 2ndary sexual characteristics.
No period by the age of 16 regardless of the presence of normal growth and development with the appearance of 2ndary sexual characteristics.
What is Secondary Amenorrhea ?
This diagnosis is given when menarche has been successful in producing menses and then there is a cessation of menses.
It is the absence of periods for a length of time equivalent to a total of at least 3 of the previous cycle intervals or 6 months of amenorrhea
What is Dysmenorrhea and how is it diagnosed ?
Painful menstruation
CPP: Cyclic Pelvic Pain
CPPD: Cyclic Pelvic Pain and Discomfort
Primary: diagnosed by exclusion when there is no known pathology.
Secondary: underlying pathology acting directly on the pelvic anatomy to cause pain symptoms during menstrual flow (for example, endometriosis)
What are signs of Cyclic Pelvic Pain?
Pattern: starts a few day before to a few days after start of menses.
Mild to severe cramping in the lower abdomen is most usual.
Pain in back or down thighs.
Associated symptoms: GI upset, low backache, headache, syncope and fatigue
How is Cyclic Pelvic Pain characterized?
Suprapubic Crampy Spasmodic Dull ache or a stabbing feeling Starts at or soon after menarche (6-12 months) Lasts 28-72 hours May start with menses or a few hours prior. Most severe in first or second day Systemic symptoms occur in 50%
What are differential diagnosis for Cyclic Pelvic Pain?
Endometriosis PID Pelvic infection Fibroids Adenomyosis Cervical stenosis and polyps Fibroids, myomas Inflammation, scarring Congenital abnormalities Presence of an IUD Chronic pelvic pain Functional ovarian cyst Benign or malignant tumors MS, GI, and UT pathology Asherman’s syndrome (adhesions) IBS
What is treatment for for Primary Dysmenorrhea or Cyclic Pelvic Pain CPP ?
Drug of choice if contraception is desired.
Decrease menstrual flow and suppresses ovulation (lowers prostaglandins)
Trail 3-4 months.
Combine with NSAIDs if needed.
What are non drug therapies for Cyclic Pelvic Pain CPP?
Exercise (suppresses prostaglandin release, increases beta endorphins, shunts blood)
decrease salt, sugar, caffeine.
Vit E (200-600 IU/d)
Magnesium (50-199 mg bid
Sexual activity: uterine arteriolar vasodilatation
Pregnancy: decrease number of adrenergic nerves
Local heat: increase blood flow, decrease muscle spasms, changes activity of the uterus.
Acupuncture: may be effective up to 91 %
TNS: when other things don’t work or inadequate relief.
What are causes of Primary Amenorrhea ?
Upper genital tract causes:
Mullerian agenesis (absence of the uterus and vagina in the presence of normal secondary sex characteristics)
Testicular feminization (absence of uterus, blind ending vaginal pouch, normal breast development, scant pubic and maxillary hair)
Lower genital tract Labial agglutination Imperforate hymen Transverse vaginal septate Hypergonadotropic-hypogonadism FSH > 40 ml Gonadal dysgenesis Ovarian enzyme disorder Resistant ovarian syndrome
What is management for Primary Amenorrhea?
Depends on cause.
Pregnancy test.
Referral for anatomic and hormonal abnormalities.
Dietary/eating disorders referrals.
Counseling about expectant development.
Prolactin Level, TSH, and progestational challenge if normal findings (prometrium 300 mg daily or provera 10 mg daily for 5 days) withdrawal should occur within 7-10 days.
What is Precocious Puberty ?
Pubertal changes before the age of 8 years and menstruation before the age of 10.
Between the ages of 6 and 8 may be normal and is evaluated based on parental concerns.
Before the age of 6 is not!
Before age 4 usually due to CNS lesion.
What is Premature Adrenarche ?
appearance of pubic hair before the age of 6 in AA girls and 7 in Caucasian.