Vaccinations Flashcards
Which vaccines are live?
MMR Varicella Yellow fever Polio (oral) Typhoid (oral) Influenza (intranasal)
Which vaccines are inactivated?
DTaP Meningococcal HIB Pneumococcal IVP Hepatitis A Rabies Hepatitis B Td Influenza (IM) Tdap Typhoid (IM) HPV
How and when is the Hep B vaccine administered?
Birth, 1-2 month, 6-18months 3 doses total 1st dose - Administer monovalent HepB before hospital discharge If mom Hep B +, infant needs HBIG also Deep IM
How and when is the Rota Virus (RV) vaccine administered?
2months, 4 months, 6months
3 doses total
How and when is the Dtap vaccine administered?
2months, 4 months, 6months, 15-18months, 4-6years
5 doses total
Deep IM
How and when is the Hib vaccine administered?
2months, 4 months, 6months, 12-15 months
4 doses total
Not needed after age 5 years old
How and when is the PCV vaccine administered?
2months, 4 months, 6months, 12-15 months
4 doses total
How and when is the IPV vaccine administered?
2months, 4 months, 6-18 months, 4-6years
4 doses total
IM (or SQ)
How and when is the influenza vaccine administered?
6months initially with 2 doses 4 months apart after that annually. If child is already 8 yrs old on 2 doses 4 months apart needed.
How and when is the MMR vaccine administered?
12-15 months and 4-6
2 doses total
Use different site from Varicella if given at same time
Suppresses PPD rxn so don’t do on same day
How and when is the Varicella vaccine administered?
12-15 months and 4-6
2 doses total
Use different site from MMR if given at same time
How and when is the Hep A vaccine administered?
12-23 months
2 doses total given between 6-18 months apart
Deep IM
How and when is the Tdap vaccine administered?
May be given as early as 7 if patient missed dosage
Deep IM
How and when is the HPV vaccine administered?
3 doses total
2 months after the first dose and 6 months after the first dose
How and when is the MCV vaccine administered?
11-12yrs, booster at age 16
How and when is the Shingles vaccine administered?
1 dose total
How and when is the Pneumococcal vaccine administered?
1 dose of PCV13 and PPVS23
How is Diphtheria spread and what does it cause?
Spreads through coughing and sneezing
Thick coating in nose/throat makes breathing difficult
May cause paralysis or heart failure
How is Pertussis spread and what does it cause?
Pertussis – Bordetella pertussis “Whooping cough” Spreads through coughing, sneezing Cough lasts for weeks Deadly for infants
How is Tetanus spread and what does it cause?
Tetanus – Clostridium tetani
Found in dirt
Toxin causes muscle spasms/paralysis in human body
How is Hepatitis A spread and what does it cause?
Member of Picomavirus family
Transmitted via oral-fecal route
Causes liver disease – acute ONLY
How is Hepatitis B spread and what does it cause?
Member of Hipadnaviridae family
Transmitted via body fluids during acute and chronic stages of disease
Causes liver disease, acute and chronic
How is Haemophilus Influenzae -Type B (Hib) spread and what does it cause?
Aerobic gram-negative bacteria
Age-dependent susceptibility (mostly in children younger than 5 years)
Colonizes nasopharynx, does not always cause active disease
Passive immunity through breastfeeding during first 6 months of life
Non-typeable (uncapsulated) strains: AOM, bronchitis Type-able strains: meningitis, epiglottitis, pneumonia, arthritis, and/or cellulitis
How is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) spread and what does it cause?
Infects epithelium:
Cutaneous – skin warts – majority
Mucosal – nonocogenic types (6 & 11) – genital warts and laryngeal papillomas
Oncogenic types (16,18, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 69, 73, 82) - cervical cancer and other anogenital cancers
Type 16 accounts for 50% of cervical cancers worldwide
Types 16/18 together cause approximately 70% of cervical cancers
How is Influenza Virus spread and what does it cause?
Single-stranded, helically shaped RNA virus Orthomyxovirus family Type A – moderate to severe illness Type B – milder illness Type C – subclinical disease
How is Measles spread and what does it cause?
Paramyxovirus (RNA) – related to “rinderpest” and canine distemper viruses
Respiratory transmission
Systemic infection
How is Mumps spread and what does it cause?
Paramyxovirus (RNA) – same group as parainfluenza and Newcastle Disease viruses
Transmitted by respiratory droplets
Causes parotitis and orchitis
How is Rubella spread and what does it cause?
Togavirus – (enveloped RNA) – related to Group A arborviruses (Eastern and Western equine encephalitis viruses)
Respiratory transmission
Causes rash, malaise
How is Meningococcal Meningitis spread and what does it cause?
Neisseria meningitidis Aerobic, gram-negative diplococcus Closely related to N. gonorrhoeae Transmitted by: droplet aerosol secretions from the nasopharynx
How is Polio spread and what does it cause?
Enterovirus from Picornaviridae family
Fecal-Oral transmission
Causes Poliomyelitis
How is Respiratory Syncticial Virus (RSV) spread and what does it cause?
Causes upper and lower respiratory tract infections
Contact precaution
How is Rotavirus spread and what does it cause?
Causes severe diarrhea and electrolyte imbalance
How is Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) spread and what does it cause?
Respiratory transmission
Causes chickenpox
How is Mycobacterium tuberculosis spread and what does it cause?
Respiratory transmission Causes: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) Meningeal – TB meningitis Miliary disease – bone, kidney, other organs