Women's health buzzz Flashcards
boggy uterus, deep pelvic pain, menorrhagia, middle aged woman, Venetian blind appearance
primary amenorrhea + u/s shows no uterus or ovaries presence of testicles cannot be excluded
androgen insensitivity syndrome
recurrent miscarriages, previous VTE, SLE
antiphospholipid syndrome
secondary amenorrhea post multiple uterine procedures
ashermans syndrome
positive whiff test, grey discharge, fishy odour, clue cells
bacterial vaginosis
lumps at 5 and 7 o’clock
bartholin cyst
cottage cheese like discharge, pseudophyae on KOH test, satellite leisons, COCP use, pregnant, diabetes
IMB, PCB and Ph of non compliance with CST
Cervical cancer
syncope, haemohynamic instability/bradycardia +PV bleeding + abdo pain + POC at cervical os
Cervicogenic shock
Rokitansky protuberance
dermoid cyst
PMB bleeding, nulliparity, obesity, early monarch/late menopause
endometrial cancer
deep dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, dyschezia, dysuria, thickened uteroscaral ligament, chocolate cysts, kissing ovaries, guitar strong utereoscaral ligamed, fixed retroverted y=uterus
PID, perihepatitis, liver capsular adhesions
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis curtis syndrome
elevated inhibin
granulose cell tumor
unprotected sex + purulent discharge
new sexual relationship + UTI symptoms (pelvic pain, dysuria, frequency)
honeymooner’s cystitis (strap saprophyticus)
primary amenorrhea, cyclical pelvic pain, hematocolpos sign
imperforate hymen
small testicles
kleinfelter’s syndrome
primary amenorrhea + anosmia
kallmann syndrome
signet ring cells, bowel obstruction, ovarian tumor
krukenberg tumor