Women's Health 2 Flashcards
Does the detrusor muscle contract or relax during voiding uring?
Contracts (relaxed expansion during filling)
What is the closure of the urethra affected by?
- Internal urethral sphincter
- Exerternal urethral sphincter
- Pelvic floor mm’s
- Fascial support
Describe the storage phase and the voiding phase of the LUT
Storage phase = 99% of the time
- detrusor is relaxed and urethral sphincter is contracted
Voiding phase = 1% of the time
- detrusor mm contracts and urethral sphincter relaxes
What’s the difference between stress and urethral incontinence when relating it to urethra and bladder?
Stress incontinence = urethral closing issue
Urge incontinence = bladder relaxation issue
What is stress incontinence?
- involuntary leakage of urine when exerting effort (sneezing/coughing/any sort of valsalva/IAP)
- bc urethral pressure too low
What is urge incontinence?
- the sudden, compelling urge to void urine which is difficult to ignore
- caused by sudden spasms of the detrusor mm during the storage phase
What is the prevalance of UI in nulliparous, elite athletes?
- sports with hypermobility/high impact jumping have greater risk
Whats the effect of UI on recreational exercisers?
- the more severe the incontinence the more women would be likely to list it as a barrier to PA
- women with severe UI = 2.64x more likely to be insufficiently active
- 1 in 7 experience UI during PA
What is the relationship between UI and LBP? PGP and UI?
- young, mid age, and older women have about 2.3-2.5x the risk of developing LBP if they have UI
- more like to have UI if they have PGP and 4.6x more like to have PGP if they have UI!
Describe the process of pelvic floor muscle training
- Teach how to contract properly
- 50% contract INCORRECTLY so worth teaching
- lift the perineum inwards/squeeze around vagina/anus/urethra
- “shouldn’t move your legs or tighten your buttocks) - Increase strength/tone of PFM
- Increase functional use of PFM during raised IAP
What do you do if pt is unable to contract the PFM?
- Give them a week to practice it by trying to stop flow or teaching them how to co-contract with TA
- E-stim! (she says the upper half of the vagina has no sensation)
- 35-50 Hz, intermittent
How do you increase PFM strength?
- daily
- physio contact 2x/month
- consider how long the person can hold the contraction for and how many reps they can do
- 2 sets x 8-12 reps - hold 3-10 secs
- long prolonged holds OR short fast holds
What is the ‘knack’?
- tension PFMs prior to and during the effort
- using the knack reduced pelvic leakage in strong coughs by 73%
- using the knack in medium strength coughs reduced leakage by 98%
Does PFMT help with UI?
- more likely to report they were cured/improved
- better QoL
- fewer incontinence episodes/day
- less leakage
- few adverse effects/non serious
What are some methods for symptoms management for UI?
- pessary/continence dish
- contiform
- vaginal sponge (tampon can also be a good option bc its hidden and when it expands it closes off teh urethra in front of it)
What are the physio options for urge incontinence?
2, Advice
- if bladder fills up too fast it spasms; if urine too concentrated - it acts like an irritant and stimulate detrusor spasm again
- avoid irritants - caffeine, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks - E-Stim!
- Vaginal = 5-10 Hz/15-20Hz
- Sacral - esp good for kids - do it 1-2 hrs/month; 5-10 Hz
- Tibial nerve 10Hz
Explain why you can stimulate the tibial nerve to reduce bladder overactivity
The afferents from the tibial nerve converge with the afferents from the bladder at S2 level; activation of the tibial sensory afferents via estim thought o inhibit urgency signals via sensory gating mechanism
What is bladder retraining in urge UI?
- teachng people NOT to run when they have sudden overhwhelming urge to pee - this is because the running/fast walking increases intravesicular pressure even more which makes it likely you will leak
- explain normal bladder function (concept of urge relating to stretch on bladder walls)
- educate on cause of detrusor overactivity/spasm
- educate on why running to toilet makes it worse
- provide other options
- use urge supression strategies
describe urge suppression strategies
- Pressure to the perineum
- pushing up here has a gating effect so sensatino from bladder can’t get up as strongly
- can use hand or be creative and use arm of chair/corner of table etc - Pelvic floor contraction
- Activation of posteior tibial nerve
- nerve projects to same location as bladder in spinal cord
- TOE CURLING/CALF CONTRACTION - Frontal lobe facilitation
- frontal lobe is inhibitory centre for micturition reflex
Summarize the flow of suppression strategies you can explain to a patient if they ask about what they can do when they have the urge to pee
- DON’T rush to the toilet
- Apply perineal pressure
- Immediately perform 10s pelvic floor contraction
- Relaxed/slow breathing
- Count backwards in 7
- Try calf contraction/toe curling