women of legend Flashcards
what did Tarpeia do and who was the source written by
.She was crushed by shields at the gates of Rome
.Source written by Livy
who wrote the source of Lucretia
who was Tarquinius Priscus son
.The king of Rome’s son
who was Cynisca and why was she important/what did she represent
She was the first spartan to compete and win
.She was an example that highlighted the how Spartans valued physical prowess in women.
which two women of legend are Greek
Pandora and Helen of Troy
which three women of legend are Roman
The Sabines
how were the Roman Women portrayed as opposed to the Greek women in myth
Lucretia and the Sabine’s were often viewed as honourable. Whereas Greek women of legend, Pandora and Helen of Troy were viewed negatively
briefly explain Pandora’s story (5 bullets)
.First woman created to punish mankind for stealing fire
.Zeus and many other Gods crafted her to make her all appealing (Pandora=all gifts)
.She was given to Epimetheus who married her
.Pandora open the Pithos given to her when she reached earth, releasing
who narrates the myth of Pandora and from what poem
Hesiod-Works and Days
what did later interpretations claim was the reason for her opening the box and what did it show
.Pandora was told not to open the box but her curiosity got the better of her unleashing evil spirits
.This shows her lack of self control and disobedience and could have served as a warning for women with similar nature
How was her story perceived by Greeks
She was a disobedient slave to her own curiosity. She also portrayed the inherit evil of women made worse by the fact that men need women to have children.
what is a didactic
something that is meant to teach or instruct
who were the titans
the generation of gods before Zeus and the other Olympian gods
‘her deadly race and tribe of women who live among mortal men to their great trouble’
what do we learn about Pandora’s inner mind and personality
‘a thievish nature’, ‘craft words’ and ‘lies’ were put in her heart
where was Helen from?
what was Helen and who were her parents
.Zeus and Leda
who did Helen marry
Menelaus, prince of Mycenae
who promised Paris that he would have the most beautiful woman in the world