Wolsey's rise to power and domestic policies (+intro) Flashcards
When did Henry VIII ascend to the throne?
What was the country’s religion at the time that Henry became king?
Roman Catholicism
What was the population of England at the start of Henry’s reign?
2.5 million
True or false- England was mainly rural during this period.
Only around 6% of the population lived in towns
How old was Henry when he became king?
When did Henry marry Catherine of Aragon?
List 3 strengths of Henry’s early monarchy:
-He was a popular ruler
-The country was wealthy
-He had many experienced advisers
List 3 weaknesses of Henry’s early monarchy:
-He lacked the experience and desire to govern
-He was an egotistical leader
-He sought out war to prove his status as a heroic leader
What was Wolsey appointed in 1515 and what was the role of this position?
Lord Chancellor- managed the King’s correspondence and played a significant judicial role
What important clerical posts did Wolsey hold?
Archbishop of York and then cardinal
What was the name of the college founded by Wolsey?
Cardinal College (Oxford)
At which two palaces did Wolsey organise building projects?
Hampton Court and York Place
How did Wolsey reform the justice system?
-Ensured impartiality
-Oversaw cases in person
-Increased the court’s work rate
-Tried wealthy/high profile members of society (Earl of Northumberland was imprisoned in 1516)
What was the downside of Wolsey’s justice reforms?
Made him unpopular with upper classes
What was enclosure?
The process of fencing off ‘common’ land, which deprived people in rural areas from access to said land for agricultural purposes
How did Wolsey attempt to solve the enclosures problem?
Set up an inquiry in 1517 to investigate the legality of landowners enclosing land.
How many cases were brought against landowners because of the enclosure enquiry?
Around 260
When and why did Wolsey have to suspend the enclosures inquiry?
1523- the decision was vastly unpopular with landowners in Parliament
What was the system of direct taxation?
A method of taxing in which a percentage of ‘moveable goods’ were given to the Crown. This was 1/15th the value in rural areas and 1/10th the value in urban areas.
Why was direct taxation not ideal?
Valuations of possessions were based on 14th century values, and the money brought in was insufficient
How did Wolsey improve the system of taxation?
Set up a subsidy- an additional tax taken as a percentage of an individual’s income. Commissioners were sent out to ensure accuracy of the valuations.
How much money was Wolsey able to raise during his time in power due to the subsidies?
£322,000- more than any other source of income
Which 3 other methods of raising finance did Wolsey take advantage of?
-Clerical taxation
-Crown lands- money made from rents and leases
-Forced loans
When did Charles V defeat the king of France?
Why was the Amicable Grant imposed?
-Henry wanted to take advantage of the defeat of the French king
-England was short on cash due to a failed French invasion in 1523
Why was imposing the Amicable Grant risky?
The tax had been levied without parliamentary permission
How much were subjects required to pay as part of the Amicable Grant?
1/3 and 1/6 of ecclesiastical and secular goods respectively
When was the Amicable grant imposed?
What happened in May as a result of the Amicable Grant?
A revolt broke out in Suffolk, and 10,000 men began an uprising in Lavenham. This was eventually put down by a force led by the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, and the rebels conceded. This was considered the most serious rebellion in England since 1497.
What was the long-term effect of the Amicable Grant?
Henry began to lose trust in his chief minister, signifying the start of Wolsey’s downfall
What were the other short-term effects of the Amicable Grant?
-Henry had to call off the French invasion and declare peace
-Wolsey accepted responsibility for the failure of the taxation
What were the Eltham Ordinances?
A set of rules drawn up in 1526 that governed aspects of the Royal Court
What were the aims of the Eltham Ordinances?
To restore order to the palaces, reduce spending and sideline Wolsey’s political rivals
List some measures proposed in the Eltham Ordinances:
-Meals were at set times
-Most dogs were banned
-Reduction in number of people allowed expenses for food, drink and lodgings
-Unneeded servants layed off
-Members of the Privy Chamber reduced
What was Wolsey’s most successful addition to domestic politics?
The imposal of taxes to increase the country’s finance