Wolsey as chief minister - Church and State Flashcards
Give 2 detail on Wolsey’s early life?
- His father was a butcher
2. He received a degree from oxford and became the treasurer of his college (helped him develop organisation skills)
How did Wolsey find himself a place in Henry VIII’s court?
He received patronage at court under Bishop Fox
How did Wolsey quickly gain power/prove himself worthy in the eyes of the king?
- By Bishop Fox’s support, he was able to take the office of Royal Almoner
- His organisation skills and ability to guess what the king wanted to hear
- His outstanding achievements in France
Were people at court happy with Wolsey’s influence at court?
From what year did Wolsey take over at court?
Give a timeline, from 1513 - 1518, describing Wolsey’s rise to high offices
- 1513: Dean of York and Bishop of Tournai
- 1514: Bishop of Lincoln and then Archbishop of York
- 1515: Cardinal by Pope
- 1518: Papal legate by Pope (could exercise pope powers)
What was Wolsey’s personality like?
- Arrogant and vindictive
- could flatter and manipulate Henry
How did Wolsey intimidate anyone he saw as a rival?
He used his legal powers as Lord Chancellor and by using a network of informants
What happened to the duke of Buckingham?
- In 1520, he was investigated after rumours of ‘treason’ against the king
- He was beheaded in 1521
How was Wolsey involved in the plot with Duke of Buckingham?
- Wolsey used henry’s insecurity to convince him to order the actions and had used
- Believed to have used this as a warning against any potential rivals
Was there much change during Wolseys period in power?
What were people views towards the church in the early 1500’s
- Most remained loyal to Catholic church
- BUT, anti-clericalism started to appear due to corrupt clergy e.g. taxes were being given to an extravagant pope, and Wolsey had illegitimate children and mistress
- People like John Wycliffe wanted a larger focus on scripture than the Pope
- Martin Luther’s 95 theses, which stressed the bible, had been published, causing more dissent
- English merchants were being exposed to Protestant literature through trade
What provided a forum for criticism against the Catholic Church in the early 1500’s?
Henry’s attempt to gain a divorce provided a forum for criticism
What could Wolsey do as Papal Legate?
- He could accept/reject changes with the church
- He was able to instruct bishops to carry duties more scrupulousy
- He was able to order inspections of monasteries
How many religious houses were dissolved under Wolsey?
Over 2 dozen