WOLMER: Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (Transboundary Cons) Flashcards
Transboundary Natural Resource Management
Bioregionalism is perfect!
No. It oversimplifies natural regions, human societies. It is ahistorical. Simplistic “nature-culture” causal linkage. And romanticization of local Indigenous.
What does team prefer over “bioregionalism”?
Conservation Biology
Trans-frontier park seeks to return to …
pre-col Africa
As radical as it sounds, TBNRM still associated with …
The World Bank (like most other initiatives since the 1980’s)
Zimbabwe’s CAMPFIRE approach was a failure.
No. It was a success. But politics created regionalism and it collapsed.
Attempts to create “wilderness” for the sake of …
white hunters who rent the game lands
What got in the way of opening wildlife corridors?
Foot and Mouse Disease.
To control Foot and Mouth Disease, livestock was separated by …
Contaminated (for consumption) vs. uncontaminated (for export to EU)
Locals received TBNRM well.
No. They had trauma from past initiatives. Even CAMPFIRE. Just results in gradual loss of rights.
Shangaan peoples not allowed to build houses with bricks for the sake of …
Communities regained full access to their lands.
No. They gained land access but new limitations. Restricted use rights.
TBNRM threatens to undo the good done by …
Most positive aspect of TBNRM?
Poverty was recognized.