WEEK 8 READINGS (Zerner "telling stories" Brosius "Green Dots" Goldman "World Bank") Flashcards
(BROSIUS) Rappaport’s
“the subordination of the fundamental to the contingent and instrumental”
(BROSIUS) environmental -
(ZERNER) conservationists separate the story from the -
(ZERNER) conservation is imagined in a historical and social -
(ZERNER) conservation imagines a biological -
panopticon, where the global biosphere is the object of its gaze
(ZERNER) 4 kinds of narratives …
1) nature without history
2) nature with an evo history but no interaction with human communities
3) nature in conjunction with romanticized but recently fallen human community
4) nature threatened by human-nature interactions
(ZERNER) What is considered a biological threat to diversity?
(GOLDMAN) Why did World Bank create “green conditionalities”?
Because hunger strike regarding hydro dam.
(GOLDMAN) Before the Laos project, what word had never been uttered before in poltics?