WMST - Chapter 11 Flashcards
Prejudice on the basis of ability, with two main features: first ignoring or rendering invisible of people with disabilities, and second, viewing people with disabilities as fendamentally defined and limited by disabilities. Ablism has obvious links to overt discrimination against the disabled, but this is not its only form
Beauty Myth
According to Naomi Wolf, the beauty myth is a system of social control that encourages women to focus on their appearances to the detriment of full development of their humanity. Wolf identifies the development of this myth as a retrenchment of male domination in the face of women’s increasing equality in the twentieth century
Within racialized communities, ‘colorism’ refers to a system that privileges and values lighter skin and rewards lighter-skinned people. It may also privilege certain other features, e.g., ‘good’ hair in African-descent communities. It should be noted, however, that within ‘white’ culture, there is also ‘good’ hair
To be made into an object of habitual erotic fixation
Gender Dysphoria
A psychiatric category decribing persistent discomfort with one’s biological sex
Male Gaze
The dominant cultural way of seeing which adopts the perspective of a desiring heterosexual male subject
The practice of the social seclusion of women; a system of segregation aimed at keeping women completely separated from the world of men
The process of internalizin an outsider’s perspective on one’s own body, leading to a preoccupation with one’s appearance and comportment as perceived by others
Sex Testing
Now called gender verification, sex testing has involved a variety of tests conducted on female athletes to be sure that they are biological females
An individual who seeks sex reassignment and thus changes sex
Feeling a strong sense of gender identity consonant with inhabiting an opposite-sex body
Those who dress in the clothing of the opposite sex, for reasons including matters of identity, disruption of social norms, or sexual fetishism
Title IX
A US law enacted in 1972, that ststaes ‘No person in the US shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimmination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance’
Sexual reassignment surgery