Wk5 Limb Flashcards
limb bud
A thickened portion of the lateral plate somatic mesoderm which will form the tissues of the limb (excepting the muscles)
apical ectodermal ridge
An anterior-posterior ridge of ectoderm running along the distal edge of the limb bud. Signals outgrowth to the limb bud mesenchyme
zone of polarizing activity
A region of the posterior margin of the limb bud mesenchyme which signals to promote posterior specification
premuscle masses
In the limb bud, dorsal and ventral masses of cells which will form the muscles, derived from the somites
mesenchymal condensations
In the limb bud, regions of higher density of mesenchymal cells which pre-figure the limb cartilages (and bones)
More than a normal number of digits
Fused digits
Short digits
Split hand split foot
A lack of limbs
An absence of intermediate segments of limb