WK13 (CH21) - Training for Female Athlete, Children, Special Populations, and the Master Athlete Flashcards
Give the definition, causes, and incidence of amenorrhea.
- the absence or cessation of the menstrual cycle
- amenorrhea is caused by disruptions in the normal hormonal signaling process between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, especially occurring in women who require a low body fat percentage for their sport
- As the weekly training distance increases, the incidence of amenorrhea increases in proportion to training stress.
Define dysmenorrhea.
painful menstruation, seemingly occurring when prostaglandins are released prior to menstruation causing uterine smooth muscle to contract and cause ischemia which leads to pain.
What are the warning signs of anorexia nervosa ?
rapid weight loss, excessive exercise, wearing baggy clothing, mood swings, avoiding food related activities, preoccupation with food, calories and weight.
What are the warning signs of bulimia ?
noticeable weight loss, depressive moods, strict dieting followed by eating binges, excessive concern about weight, bathroom visits after meals, increasing criticism of one’s own body.
What are the treatment recommendations for those with eating disorders ?
-Creating a written contract of rules, expectations, and contingencies as
one progresses toward her exercise program goals.
-Psycho-educational counseling on the topic of exercise and health should
occur under the guidance of a credentialed professional.
-An emphasis should be placed on positive reinforcement in achieving
exercise, health, and eating disorder treatment goals.
-Begin with an individually tailored exercise prescription that errs on the
side of conservatism when it comes to exercise intensity and volume.
-Strategic treatment programs should consider the interface of exercise
and nutrition.
-Frequent debriefing should be used to evaluate success of the exercise
Describe the two major causes of bone loss in the female athlete.
The growing concern for the female athlete is 1. estrogen deficiency due to amenorrhea and 2. inadequate Ca++ intake due to eating disorders. This raises the probability for bone fractures.
List the 3 points of the female athlete triad.
1) low energy availability
2) menstrual dysfunction
3) low bone mineral density
Should women who were exercising before becoming pregnant continue exercising into pregnancy ?
women are generally physically fit should continue exercising during pregnancy. It reduces excessive weight gain, reduces incidence of gestational diabetes, and is linked to better post partum recovery.
Though limitations do exist for pregnant women, avoid hyperthermia, avoiding high intensity a long training sessions. As pregnancy advances, reduce intensity of work.
What ligament are women more susceptible to sustaining injuries to when compared to men ?
ACL ( 3.5x higher risk than men ), the most convincing evidence is that even when accounted for sex differences, women have weaker legs than men which can account for part of the statistic.
Are children at risk for cardiac damage or musculoskeletal complications as a result of training ?
no, in fact training whether endurance or resistance has been proven to be necessary for increasing bone mineral content in children as well reducing their risk for obesity. Children mimic cardiovascular adaptations found in adults. Furthermore, resistance training has been proven to not cause damage to epiphyseal plates.
Discuss competitive training in people with Type I diabetes.
Competitive training should be encouraged so long as the patient is able to avoid hypoglycemic episodes; exercise should take place after a meal; injecting insulin in the abdomen or arm can delay the uptake of insulin so that the patient can avoid hypoglycemia, or generally on a site away from the working muscle that day; generally the patient is recommended to reduce their insulin injections on days that they’re training
What is the limitation for training in people with asthma ?
people with asthma are generally encouraged to participate in sports and generally can do so safely with the exception of scuba diving which may place to much pressure on the lungs; especially if they’re at high risk for an episode
What are the factors that may increase a person’s risk for seizure ?
physical fatigue, hyperventilation, hypoxia, hyperthermia, hypoglycemia, electrolyte imbalance, emotional stress associated with competitive sport; exercise is generally a good idea for epileptic patients
What is the major factor contributing to age related decline in endurance exercise ?
decrease in VO2max due to decrease in CO and maximal a-v O2 difference, exercise training can help but not stop this process.