Wk. 4 - Inferential Research Flashcards
A scheme for converting responses into numerical values. Researchers might write something such as ‘Sex was coded 1 = male, 2 = female’. All this means is that, when describing the results, numbers are used rather than words. This is a useful thing to do or the purpose of analysing data.
A set of questions to be answered by a research participant. These questions could be printed and given to the participant, completed by participants online, or asked by the researcher in an interview.
representative random sample
A random sample of the population that has the same characteristics as the population.
split-ballot technique
A survey research procedure whereby experimental manipulations are included. The most obvious involves randomly sampling selected participants receiving different questionnaires. In effect, split-ballot techniques are not surveys but experiments.
convenience sampling
A sampling procedure where a sample is chosen from the people who are available to participate in research. Often just about any person who can understand the instructions and complete the task is acceptable. This is the technique used in many psychological experiments (in particular, those involving undergraduate students).
non-probability samping
A sampling technique where there is not a specifiable probability of a member of the population being sampled.
The failure to obtain responses in circumstances where a person is selected from the population but does not actually participate in the survey.
probability sampling
A sampling technique where there is a specifiable probability of each member of the population being sampled.
purposive sampling
Selecting those members of a population who have a definable characteristic. For example, a study of depression might sample only those members of a population who are clinically depressed.
sample size
The number of participants in a study. This is represented by the symbol N.
sampling frame
The listing of all the members of the population of interest.
simple random sample
A random sample in which every member of the population has the same probability of being included.
survey instrument
A means of collecting data from the sample. This could be a questionnaire form, a web page or an interview.
systematic sampling
Sampling where participants are selected according to a specific plan or method (either probability or non-probability sampling).
archival records
Written or other records that are stored and are available for study. Sometimes these are stored in institutions called archives, but any record that is not in current use is also called an archive).