Wk 2- Models for Teaching Reading Flashcards
Who is credited for the ‘Four Resources Model’
Peter Freebody and Allan Luke (1990)
What are the four roles/practices described in the ‘four resources model’
- text analyst
- text user
- text participant/meaning maker
- code user/breaker
Define ‘multiliteracies’
A term reflecting the view that there are many literacies that stem from the communicative practices of diverse cultures. The role of technology in literacy is also foregrounded. Examples of the many literacies put forward by multiliteracies include scientific literacy, criitical literacy, visual literacy, computer literacy etc.
(Fellowes & Oakley, 2014)
What is a maturational perspective?
Maturational perspective posits that children cannot learn to read or write until they are suffienciently biologically mature. According to this perspective socio-cultural influences had little to do with children’s capacity to learn to read and write.
Informed practice in the mid-twentieth century.
(Fellowes & Oakley, 2014)
What is a cognitive developmental perspective?
This perspective posits that children develop in a predetermined way.
Also a lack of recognition given to socio-cultural influence. Like the developmental perspective, many practices associated with this perspective have are criticised in modern day teaching.
What is an emergent perspective?
This perspective posits that literacy ‘emerges’ from a very early age as children are immersed in literacy practices from birth. Their early scribbles and contact with storybooks and other texts in the home and community are seen as emergent writing and reading. These activities were seen as central to an ongoing literacy learning process, which was viewed as active and constructive, not something that simply unfolds.
This perspective was at the heart of the whole language movement, which encouraged educators to teach reading and writing in the context of real texts and authentic purposes.
What is a socio-cultural perspective?
Socio-cultural perspective sees literacy as a social practice, something that varies according to communicative purposes and socio-cultural context.
List the 6 pillars of reading
- oral language development
- phonological awareness
- phonics
- vocabulary development
- fluency
- comprehension
What are the 6 pillars of reading?
Describe not list
The basic skills/principles required for children to learn to read
Aka ‘the big six’
Identified by Deslea Konza (2010)
Explain behaviourist theory
Provide an example relevant to literacy instruction
- learning is evident through observable features of student behaviour
- Teacher is central, viewed as dispenser of knowledge and explicitly teaches a set of skills in a planned, sequential order
- Students practice skills by completing worksheets individually with rewards and punishments associated
e.g. in literacy instruction: children learn language by repeating words and sentences given by their teachers or on workbook pages
Explain constructivist theory
- learning happens naturally in the brain
- Students are in focus and teachers engage students with experiences so that they can construct their own knowledge
- Students relate what they know to what they are learning
- Motivated students are more successful
Explain cognitive/information processing theory with relevance to literacy instruction.
- learning occurs through unobservable mental processes
- mind as computer
- information processing through short-term and long-term memory
- Info flows between what the learner knows (background knowledge) and the information provided (text on the page)
- Reader and text factor approaches to reading (within comprehension pillar)
- Reader brings prior knowledge to the text and use knowledge of codes and structures of text to create meaning from it
Explain sociolinguistic literacy theory
- language in focus
- oral language is seen as a foundation for learning to read and write
- emphasises the importance of language and social interaction for learning
- social contexts influence language acquisition
*e.g. learners talking about what they’re going to read or write with a partner before engaging in activity.
What is meant by the term ‘language’ in the context of the AC:E learning strand?
language is defined as knowledge of the human communication systems that include speech as well as written symbols, sounds, words, syntactic patterns, gestures and letters.
What is meant by the term ‘literacy’ in the context of the AC:E learning strand?
Literacy involves not only spoken and written language, but the knowledge to be able to understand and apply their use in a variety of contexts. Being literate is about ‘communicating productively, responsively and responsibly’ (Freebody).