Wk 13: Clinical Application of the Principles of Dog & Cat Ethology Flashcards
How do dogs communicate? (excluding olfactory communication)
- Dogs communicate using every part of their body
- Whole body language, not just specific signals
- They are continually signalling
- Indicates the emotional state
List aspects of the dog that may be used to communicate
Ears in dogs are a form of communication
Wide variety of size and shapes
Signalling of one breed would differ from that of another
What does it mean when a dog’s ears are forward and pricked?
What does it mean when a dog’s ears are back or to the side?
Anxious (gaze usually directed towards what is causing this emotion)
What does it mean when a dog’s ears are back/flattened against the head?
What does it mean when a dog’s ears are constantly changing position?
In what ways can the eyes of a dog be used to communicate?
Direction of gaze (facial expression)
Varying shapes and size
Pupil duration
What can a dog convey with the direction of their gaze?
Averted to side - may turn away as a form of appeasement
Direct stare - sign of aggression of unknown individual, rewarding to people they know
What can a dog convey with the shape of their eyes?
Open wide/closed can indicate fear/pain
What can a dog convey with the dilation of their pupil?
Good light conditions but eyes large may be a sign of anxiety
What is this dog displaying?
Dogs eyes are sof and mouth opena dn relaxed, lips covering teeth
What is this dog displaying?
Growling with ears pulled back, eyes rounded and lips pulled over teeth
What does a dog yawning convey?
What does a panting dog display?
Stress response
What does it mean when a dock is lip-licking?
What does it mean when a dog has its lip retracted exposing teeth?
Appeasement (smile)
What does it mean when a dogs head is held above their body?
Confident and alert
A dogs head is at body level, what does this mean?
A dogs head is held below its body, what does this mean?
Fearful or anxious
What happens to a dogs face when it feels threatened?
Go through sequences
This is important with dogs living in social groups as it warns the individual before theres need to escalate
Why might a dog ‘suddenly’ bite?
With learned behaviour, the dog might jump from this sequence and instead try and bite - this is from learning they the signals prior are ignored
Describe what is occurring in the photo
Preliminary aggressive threat
Ears pulled back, direct state and lips pulled over teeth
Describe what is occurring in the photo
More serious threat
Muzzle extended forward with low growl
Describe what is occurring in the photo
Wrinkled muzzle exposing teeth
Growling loudly preparing to lunge and attach
What can a wagging dog tail convey?
- Loose, relaxed, circular, side to side, below the body and quickly in greeting is a sign that the dog is feeling positive
- Stiff tail held up right and slowly wagging is a sign that the dog is not comfortable
- If the dog becomes more fearful it will slowly tuck the tail between the legs
How can species differences affect the tail position?
pugs cannot do curl tail under them and whippets constantly look fearful as their tail is constantly between their legs
How can a dog use its body to communicate?
Describe what might be seen if a dog is relaxed and content
Describe what might be seen if a dog is excited or aroused
How do you introduce unfamiliar dogs?
What is the 3-second rule in terms of dog introduction?
If the situation has not improved (neither relaxing or showing appeasement behaviour) within 3 seconds then distract them and move them away from each other as it is unlikely that it will resolve
What will a cat sometimes do if it knows someone and where is this behaviour derived from?
Holds its tail up as it approaches them
This behaviour is derived from dams returning to their kittens but has remained in domesticated cats regarding their owners
List how a cat can visually communicate
Can you list the sensitive periods of learning in dogs and cats?
What pre-natal effects can alter dog and cat development?
What can dogs and cats learn during their socialisation period?
When is a cat’s socialisation period?
When is a dog’s socialisation period?
How can puppies learn social behaviour?
How can puppies learn signalling?
How do puppies learn social communication from humans?
Describe what is occurring in the photo
How can an owner be inconsistent in the way they communicate?
Why is consistency important with dogs?
What is meant by emotional conflict?
What are the consequences of emotional conflict?
What are the three Fs?
Fidget (displacement activty)
What are the implications of dogs being highly social?
Where can conflict arise in a multi-cat household?
- Where competition for access to resources is artificially created
- Food, water, litter trays in same location
If cat’s do not get on, how does this present?
What underlying medical condition is present when inappropriate elimination occurs?
Interstitial cystitis
What underlying medical condition is present urine spraying?
GI disease
What underlying medical condition is present over-grooming?
What are the indicators that cats are in the same social groups?
Choose to sleep touching
What are some indicators that not necessarily show that they’re in the same social group?
Sleeping in the same location (radiator)
Sitting on/either side of the owner
Eating together
If cats do not form a social group although they are living in the same household, what can you do to avoid conflicts?
Need to have enough resources
Easy access to said resources
Separating toileting sites
Birdges etc to allow avoidance
How might predatory behaviour be expressed in a domestic cat?
Birning home dead prey
Releasing live prey inhouse
Playing with live prey
How do you prevent predatory behaviour?
Highly platable food with high meat content
Variety of flavours of food
Small frequent meals (puzzle feeder)
Increase play
Keep in when prey species active (dusk/dawn)
Why might elimination behaviour become a sign of concern?
Often sign of medical problem that is caused by
increased volume of elimination
If a cat is expressing an elimination behaviour problem what is usually done by a vet?
- Full medical work up exam
- Older cats orthopaedic exam
- Lower abdominal hair loss, cat is pulling out hair, this may be an indication of bladder pain
If bad elimination behaviour is not occurring due to a medical condition, what are the 3 main reasons?
If marking occurs. indoor, what might be the cause?