Wk 11: Comparing Multiple Groups Flashcards
What is a parmetric test?
T test is based on estimating parameters from the sample (e.g. sample mean).
What is a non-parametric test?
compares the ranks of values instead of the values themselves.
- Comparing ranks can be a more robust approach, just like the median is less affected by outliers than the mean.
- Ordinal data (e.g. survey results) should use nonparametric tests.
What is the Mann-Whitney U Test?
nonparametric version of the independent-samples T test
What does the Mann-Whitney U Test test?
whether two distributions are the same.
What is the null hypothesis in the Mann-Whitney U Test?
No difference between the means of two groups.
What are the assumptions in the Mann-Whitney U Test?
The two distributions have the same shape and scale. But it does not assume the two distribution to have the same location.
What can affect the Mann-Whitney U Test? What can be done?
Outliers affect the means. Can remove outliers and run Mann-Whitney U test again.
What is the intepretation of the Mann-Whitney U Test?
- sig.
- p>0.05
- p<0.05)?
- Sig. is P value.
- P >0.05 is insignificant, which supports null hypothesis.
- P <0.05 is significant, which supports “effect” hypothesis.
What is ANOVA?
uses F-tests to test the equality of means.
What are 4 “steps” in ANOVA?
- First, measure the total variability in the response.
- Second, look at the variability within each group.
- If the within-groups variability is less than the total variability, then it suggests that knowing which group a person belonged to has given some information about them.
- This reduction in variability is called the between-groups variability.
What does ANOVA stand for?
Analysis of Variance
What are 3 assumptions in ANOVA?
- Independent groups: Check study design
- Normal variability between groups: Check data, especially important for small samples.
- Equal variance between groups: Check Levene’s test, boxplots
What are _____ in F tests?
- null hypothesis
- F statistic
- P-value
- Null hypothesis: All groups have the same mean.
- F statistic measures how different the groups are, relative to their variability.
- P-value is the probability of getting an F statistic as observed if the null hypothesis is true..
What is R2?
- Total variability is the sum of squared standard deviation under the proposed model vs. under default explanation
- R2 tells you the percentage of variability that is due to the proposed model.
What is the interpretation of ANOVA?
- First, look at test of homogeneity of variance to check whether the two groups have equal variance.
- If P >0.05, then it supports null hypothesis (equal variance), so you can use ANOVA
- If P <0.05, the it does not support null hypothesis (unequal variance), so you need to use Welch’s ANOVA rather than normal ANOVA.
- Or you can transform the data using log to get equal variance.
- Second, look at ANOVA.
- Sum of squares is total variability.
- df is degrees of freedom (n-1).
- Mean square = sum of squares / df
- F distribution is the ratio of sample variance (mean square between groups / mean square within group)
- P >0.05 suggests insignificant difference between groups means.