Witnesses Flashcards
A witness is any person who has?
Any person who has Info about an alledged offence or offender
What to consider when dealing with forensically important witnesses at scene?
When witnesses have been proximate to an offender, scene or victim and evidence transferred DNA, fibres, Glass, fingerprints, before interview consider:
- Cross contamination - avoid, use diff vehicles
- photograph witnesses
- Note injuries
Plan to preserve / recover evidence from a witness should include
- DNA swabs on witness -blood
- Swabs of any other relevant stains
- Medical forensic MEK
- Clothing seizure
Prelim interviews include?
- Early ID of suspect
- Prevent further offending
- Recovery of evidence
Initial witness assessments include
- Whether witness requires special consideration
- Availability of witness
- Optimum approach to be taken with witness
Risk assessment of witness
- In regards to threats, intimidation or physical harm
- Apply through application to judge for anonymity sec 112 Evidence Act
- Witness protection
witness control
- Ensure not to communicate with jurors
- Not to discuss case in public area while waiting to give evidence
- Not to discuss case with other witnesses waiting to give evidence
Alibi witness - upon instruction from the crown solicitor must?
- Make enquiries to determine veracity of Alibi
- Conduct enquiries through NIA
- Forward results to crown solicitor including statements
How may a witness refresh their memory in court?
By reading a previously signed statement or interview transcript
What should be done when electronic recording devices have been used at a scene?
- Obtain informed consent and download images/recordings
- arrange to uplift and download
- If refuse consider S+S or SW
When a witness has a visual recording but fails to handover, consider?
- Sufficient grounds to invoke S+S Act 2012
- Obtain a search warrant
Explain sec 105 Evidence Act 2006
Witness giving evidence in alternative way
- Screens
- Prior recording
Major source of evidence in Police investigation, relevance may not be realised at the time, but may become more significant later
Appointment of interviewer, consider?
- level of training of interviewer
- level3 or L2 advanced
- forensic child interviewer/intell impairment
- suitability of officer e.g welfare
Financial support
- VS+Govt provides financial assistance on behalf of the crown towards the cost of dealing with incident, attending court and other criminal justice processes.
- Discretionary grant of upto $1500 for homicide vict
- Free counselling for family of murder/manslaugher vics, 6hrs -15hr, max 30hrs if required.
- Acc helps with cost of burial, cremation, family can claim topup if murder/manslaughter