Pin Number
a four-digit number that is attached to your debit card
Predatory Lending
when a loaner lends money to someone they know cannot pay it back
when a consumer pays something before the due date
Promotional Rate
when you get a lower interest rate than usual
Manage Care Insurance
doctors within this network will be cheaper because they work with your insurance company
a bill
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
the banks coverage for when a consumer does not pay a mortgage loan
Renter’s Insurance
covers all of a consumer’s personal property as well as liability insurace
Unemployment Insurance
money an individual receives for not being at work
Universal Life/ Whole Life Insurance
both of these build cash value
a person that cannot/ does not work and is reliant on someone that does
Are stocks or bonds riskier?
stocks are riskier
a type of investment
Bear Market
when the economy is doing bad resulting in the downfall of stocks and bonds
Bull Market
when the economy is doing well resulting in the success of stocks and bonds