Willy - tragic hero Flashcards
“I Have Such Thoughts,
I Have Such Strange Thoughts.”
‘There’s more people! That’s what’s ruining this country
! Population is getting out of control.’ – Willy p12
‘In those days there was personality in it, Howard
There was respect, and comradeship, and gratitude in it. Today, it’s all cut and dried, and there’s no chance for bringing friendship to bear – or personality’ – Willy p63.
‘He had all the wrong dreams.
. All, all wrong.’ – Biff p110
‘He never knew
who he was’ – Biff.
‘I don’t say he’s a great man. Willy Loman never made a lot of money.
His name was never in the paper. He’s not the finest character that ever lived. But he’s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. He’s not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog.’ – Linda p44
‘He’s only a little boat
looking for a harbour’ – Linda p 59
‘What is this supposed to do, make a hero out of you?
This supposed to make me sorry for you?’ Biff p103
‘There’ll be no pity for you
you hear it? No pity!’ Biff p104
‘I see it like a diamond, shining in the dark, hard and rough
that I can pick up and touch in my hand’ – Willy p100
‘I am not a leader of men, Willy, but neither are you. You were never anything but a hard working drummer
who landed in the ash can like all the rest of them! I’m one dollar an hour, Willy!’ – Biff p105
] Isn’t that – isn’t that remarkable
Biff – he likes me!’ Willy p106
‘I got a job, I told you that. [after a slight pause]
What the hell are you offering me a job for?’ – Willy p33
the secret?
The grass don’t grow anymore
you can’t grow a carrot in the backyard.”
The woods
are burning
“I’m fat. I’m very
foolish to look at, Linda
A man who can’t handle
tools is not a man. You’re disgusting.”
in tired
to the death
Be liked and you will never want
You take me, for instance. I never have to wait in line to see a buyer. ‘Willy Loman is here!’ That’s all they have to know, and I go right through.” (33)
Cause I get so lonely-especially
when business is bad and there’s nobody to talk to.” (38)
Now stop crying and..
do as I say, I gave you an order