Tragic villain Flashcards
‘Not finding yourself
yourself at the age of 34 is a disgrace!’ p11 Willy
‘Dad, you’re
never going to see what I am’ Biff
Will you let me go, for Christ’s sake
? Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens?’ Biff
‘You can’t eat an orange and throw the peel away
- a man is not a piece of fruit!’ Willy
‘He had the wrong
dreams, All, all, wrong’ Biff
You-you gave
her Mama’s stockings’ Biff
‘Ben, a man
has got to add up to something’ Willy
‘It’s a business, kid
, and everybody’s gotta pull his own weight’. 62
we are aware of towering, angular
shapes behind it, surround it on all sides
its so beautiful up there Linda
the trees are so thick and the sun so warm
how can he fin himself?
is that a life?
its a measly manner of existence..
to devote your whole life to keeping stock
ive always made
a point of not wasting my life..
never leave a job
unfiinshed- remember that
will you shut up!
I was talking wasn’t I/
will you take that phone dream and burn it
before something happens