Wiki (94-120) Flashcards
Search engines
A search engine is a computer program ,used through a browser, that searches for specific words on public servers on the internet and World Wide Web and returns a list of documents in which they were found. The search engine allows the user to ask for content meeting specific criteria (typically those containing a given word or phrase) and retrieving a list of files that match those criteria
What does SEO stand for?
Search Engine Optimizing
A suite of techniques for improving how a website ranks on search engines such as Google. SEO can also refer to individuals and companies that offer to provide search engine optimization for websites.
SEO “white hat” technique
SEO “white hat” techniques, which (to simplify) try to boost ranking by improving the quality of a website,
SEO “black hat” technique
“black hat” techniques, which try to trick search engines into thinking a page is of higher quality than it actually is.
Social Media
A broad term referring to the wide variety of content creation and consumption that is enabled by the many-to-many distributed infrastructure of the Internet. Social media is incredibly broad and refers to blogging, wikis, video-sharing sites like YouTube, photo-sharing sites like Flickr and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.
What is the difference between legacy media and Social Media?
Unlike legacy media, where the audience is usually on the receiving end of content creation, social media generally allows three stages of interaction with content: 1) producing, 2) consuming and 3) sharing. Social media is incredibly broad and refers to blogging, wikis, video-sharing sites like YouTube, photo-sharing sites like Flickr and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Social networks
A social network is a community of people with a common interest who use a website or other technologies to communicate with each other, to share information, services and resources, and/or to collaborate on creating content. Social networks use the Internet and are therefore, online.
How may social networks be used?
Social networks may be used primarily for personal contacts,and/or for business and professional contacts. The term “social network” is also used to refer to a website or online service that facilitates this communication.
Tags provide a useful way to group related posts or other content together and to quickly tell readers what a post is about. Tags also make it easier for people to find your content in a blog or other website.
Difference between tags and categories
Tags are more specific than categories. Categories allowed for a broad grouping of topics, but when you want to describe a post in more specific terms, you use tags.
Sample of tags
For example, you may have a category called Baking in your cooking blog, and when you add a recipe for Brownies, you put it in the Baking category. Then you tag the recipe with specific descriptive words such as chocolate, walnuts, brownies.
what does TCP/IP stand for?
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
What is TCP?IP
the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet)
How is TCP?IP obtained:
When you are set up with direct access to the Internet, your computer is provided with a copy of the TCP/IP program just as every other computer that you may send messages to or get information from also has a copy of TCP/IP
A microblogging and social media service where users can send out messages limited to 14o characters. Twitter users came up with their own conventions, including the @ symbol to denote user names (@nytimes), and #, the hashtag, to denote subjects (#sxsw). Twitter computes Trending Topics, which give a real-time view into the most talked about topics on the service.
What is one reason twitter became popular?
Twitter became popular in part because it had a set of APIs that allowed other developers to build tools on top if it.
More on Microbloggin:
Microblogs grew out of what were called tumblelogs which is a quick stream of consciousness entry in a blog. It was considered a way to quickly publish and share stuff that happens to you or things you find on the web that you want to share with others,or simply your thoughts on something.
One of the first microblog services was Twitter which was launched in 2006 and has become probably the largest microblogging service, used by millions of people all over the world, for both personal and professional uses.
Tumblr launched in 2007 is another microblogging platform and social networking website that is now owned by Yahoo! Inc. There are some other smaller such services.
You are also microblogging when you write short status updates on Facebook or LinkedIn.
What does URL stand for?
Uniform Resource locator
Often used interchangeably with the “address” of a web page. While humans are familar with URLs as a way to see web pages, computer programs often use URLs to pass each other machine-readable content, such as RSS feeds or Twitter information.
What boosts search rankings?
words that appear in URLs often help boost search rankings, which is why many content sites are now shifting to URLs with headlines as opposed to data strings.
What does URI stand for?
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
The way to identify the location for something on the Internet. It is most familiarly in “http:” form, but also encompasses “ftp:” or “mailto:”
What was the web like when it first began?
The web when it first began in the 1990s was mainly a one way delivery system. Web pages were authored by web designers and content experts who created web sites. Those of us who accessed and read those web pages were consumers who downloaded static content into the browser and read it. We read the text, looked at the pictures, clicked on links to go to new pages where we could read more text, see more pictures, and perhaps view a video or animation.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is the interactive web. With 2.0, you are not a just a consumer of content, your can also be a creator of content and can collaborate with others,as you can when you use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, SquareSpace, Instagram, SnapChat and on and on..
Web 2.0 is two-way communication, rather than the older one-way communication of the Web. This allows users to interact with online sites, just as we are used to interacting with software on our computers.
What is one of the most important technologies that makes Web 2.0 possible?
Ajax (sometimes called Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which allow for rapid communication between the browser and the web server. Ajax is a way of programming for the Web that takes data, content, and design, merges them together and serves them up on the Web quickly, with very little lag time.
When was the term web 2.0 popularized?
The term web 2.0 was popularized by a 2004 conference, held by O’Reilly Media and MediaLive, called Web 2.0
A web widget is a software widget for use on a web page. It is a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page by an end user.
A widget occupies:
A widget occupies a portion of a webpage and does something useful with information it gets from other websites, for example, clocks, weather reports, stock market tickers, calendars, archives of articles,a Twitter feed.
Other terms used to describe web widgets:
include portlet, module, snippet and flake. Widgets are typically created in DHTML or Adobe Flash.
Source: Wikipedia
A web site with pages that can be easily edited by visitors using their web browser, but generally now gaining acceptance as a prefix to mean “collaborative.” A wiki enables the audience to contribute to a knowledge base on a topic or share information within an organization, like a newsroom.
Who created wiki and what did he name it?
Ward Cunningham created the first wiki, naming it WikiWikiWeb after the Hawaiian word for “quick.
What is the best known Wiki?
The best-known wiki in existence is Wikipedia, which burst onto the scene around 2000 as one of the first examples of mass collaborative information aggregation. Other sites that have been branded “wiki” include Wikinews, Wikitravel, and WikiLeaks (which was originally but is no longer a wiki).