Wiki 9 Flashcards
ragged / shabby
tērā pea
Tērā tonu pea
Quite possibly … / Probably …
Tērā pea kua haere kē a Hema. –
Hema might have left already.
Ka tōmuri a Ria, ki tō mōhio?
Do you think Ria might get here late?
He mea hoko kē pea te keke nei.
I think this cake might have been bought.
Tērā tonu pea. E rongonui ana tōna tōmuri
Quite possibly. Her tardiness is well-known.
Tērā pea he Hāmoa tana hoa. Ki a au nei he Hāmoa te āhua. – Maybe her mate’s Samoan. He looks Samoan to me.
Maybe her mate’s Samoan. He looks Samoan to me.
Tērā pea e taea te whare te whakatū anō. Tērā pea e kore. – Maybe it’ll be possible to rebuild the house. And maybe not
Maybe it’ll be possible to rebuild the house. And maybe not
Tērā tonu pea ia e toa.
It’s on the cards that she’ll win.
He tohunga ia ke te tunu keke.
She’s a gun at baking (cakes).
to be able to / permitted to
Ka āhei te whakatū waka ki reira i waho o ngā hāora hokohoko. -
You’re allowed to park there outside of shopping hours.
Ko wai ka āhei ki te utu i tērā moni nui mō te whare? -
Who is able to afford to pay that much for a house?