Wiki 11 Flashcards
Kātahi anō te mahi ka tīmata
The work’s only just begun.
Kātahi anō ka tīmata te mahi.
The work’s only just begun.
Kātahi anō rāua ka hoki mai i Rapanui.
They’ve only just returned from Rapanui.
Kātahi anō ka mutu taku kōrero ki a ia i te waea
I’ve only just finished talking to her on the phone.
Me tuku ināianei, kia tae atu ai ā te Rāmere.
Send it now, so that it gets there by Friday.
Ka tīmata taku tuhinga i te rā nei, kia oti ai i mua i te rākati.
I’m gonna start my essay today so that it gets completed before the deadline.
I tahuna e au te ahi, kia mahana ai te whare. –
I lit the fire in order to warm the house up.
E kawe ana au i a Huia Te Reo kia pai ake ai taku reo Māori. –
I’m doing Huia Te Reo so that my command of Māori improves .
Kia tere, kohia ngā kākahu, kia kore ai e mākū.
Quick, get the clothes in so they don’t get wet.
Kei te huna au i ngā rare kia kore ai e pau katoa i ngā tamariki.
I’m hiding the lollies so the kids don’t eat them all.
Kei te whai au i tētehi hōtaka kai kia kore ai au e mōmona.
I am following an eating plan so I don’t get fat.
I horoi au i te motokā kia mā ai.
I washed the car so it would be clean.
Whāngaihia te kurī kia kore ai ia e matekai.
Feed the dog so he doesn’t get hungry.
I whakatūria te kura e te whānau kia ako ai ngā tamariki i te reo me ōna tikanga.
The kura was set up by the whānau so that the children would learn the language and its tikanga.
Whakawhitia te hōngere kia kore ai a Pāpā e mōhio
kua tīmata kē te whutupōro.
Change the channel so Pāpā doesn’t know that the rugby has already started.
Māringanui he iti noa iho ngā otaota nē?
Fortunately/ Lucky for us there are only a few weeds, eh?
He waimarie kei konei koe ki te arataki i a mātou.
It is fortunate / lucky for us that you are here to guide us.
He waimarie i kitea ngā tohu huarere. I pōhēhē au ka paki āpōpō.
Lucky I saw the weather forecast. I thought it was meant to be fine tomorrow.
Waimarie i tere taku hoko i ngā tīkiti ki tana kōnohete. Kua pau katoa ināianei.
Just as well I bought the tickets to her concert quick-smart, as they’re all gone now.
tangata taiao
an outdoors person
Ehara ia i te tangata taiao.
He’s not an outdoors person.