Why rome lectures Flashcards
How many hills in rome
Rome used to be a
Aneas son of which goddess
Aneas fought in which war
earliest historian of rome
Aneas’s son
Aneas founded what city
Iulus founded what city
Alba Longa
Aneas is
Pious, good soldier and heroic
What is didactic
Moral of a story/ teaching on how to behave
explains origin
pride in something
who survives out of romulus and remus
Early Rome is an asylum for
criminals & slaves
what was a concern of early rome
lack of women and reproduction
How did you become a citizen in early rome
bring dirt from your origins and put it in the forum umbilicus
Were all the kings roman?
No some were etruscans and sabine
What is the time frame of the monarchy
753 to 509 BCE
What is the time frame of the republic
509-44 BCE
how did one become king
elected by citizen assembly from short list provided by the senate
Who rapes Lucretia
Sextus the prince
What happens after Lucretia’s suicide
They overthrow the monarchy and establish the Republic
Who are the first 2 consuls
Brutus and Collatinus
consuls were elected every
dictators were in power for
6 months
was there possibly more than 7 kings
What time frame is the civil war
44-27 BCE
empire time frame
27 bce to 4th century CE
How long did kings rule
entire life
What did the kings connect with
- religious religions
- government at forum
- census
- Gloaca maxima (public project for draining forum)
how where the years named
by the names of the consuls
elected officials
what are proconsuls
extended consulship in regions outside of rome
praetor were in charge of
legal cases and published annual law code changes
2 types of praetor
Urbanus(domestic) & Peregrinus(foreign)
Praetors in power for
1 year
Aediles were in charge of
buildings & temple oversee public morals purchase grain for the city Oversee weights & measurements Oversee city games
2 types of Aediles
Plebian & Curule
Quaestor were responsible for
The treasury and assisting the consuls, propraetors and proconsuls
power over military/gov
Who is Rhéa Silvia
Mother of Romulus and Remus
Who is Livy
Roman historian
Censor were elected every
5 years for 18 months
censors were responsible for
counting citizens, allocating citizens to tribes and making sure people weren’t too wealthy
what are Tribunes
plebian elected officials that were not magistrates
what could the tribunes do
veto actions/policies of fellow tribunes,
later on could veto actions/policies of magistrates
populists tactics
best men tactics
who was Mark Anthony
Politician and military leader that was part of second triumvirate
Who are the 3 figures of the first triumvirate
Ceasar, Pompey and Crassus
Who were the main conspirators in the assassination of Ceasar
Brutus and Cassius
What is a Proscription list
A list of enemies of the state
Who is Marcus Cicero
Orator and republican statesman of rome
Who is Spartacus
Leader of the slave rebellion movement. used to be a gladiator.
Who are the figures of the second triumvirate
Octavian, Mark Anthony and Lepidus
Who is Sulla
General and statesman won the first civil war between Marius.
a military award given to very successful campaigns. Where you would parade around rome
Who is pompey
Roman politician and general. Part of 1st triumvirate. Later killed in egypt. Underling of Sulla, OPtimates
general and lost against Sulla in the 1st civil war
Res gestae
First hand account of Augustus’s life & accomplishments. Image that he gave to rome
son of Ceasar and last pharaoh
family sharing the same nomen
Twelve tables
Roman law code + rights and duties
Senate and people of rome
Client & Patron
Client depends on patron and serve them in return for protection. Patron would influence clients to vote
Res Publica is
citizens governed/ commonwealth
is a foreman slave
Numa Pompilius
Second king of rome
means king
Regia is
the home of the kings
Lapis niger
Ancient shrine in the forum
Tarquin the proud
Last king of rome and father of Sextus
Axe surrounding bundle of sticks. Meaning strength in unity but that the ruler could kill easily symbolizing the bundle and axe
Servant and bodyguard to ruler
Titus Taius
King of sabine from rape of the sabines
10 man commission to substitute magistrates
Praetors edict is
a new set of principles imposed by praetor urbanus
Ceasar death
Plebeian succession
495-493. Wanted political rep + land redistribution and were given tribunes
12 tables were important bc
First written law code + gave access to laws for plebs
Rome after carthage
Obtaining provinces and creation of proconsuls/praetor
Positions made for ceasar
Sole consul, imperator and dictator perpetuus
Crossing the rubicon
Crossing the point of no return
First settlement
Proconsulship over Spain Gaul and other provinces
Title of Augustus
Second settlement
Impérium maius( greatest emperor) tribunican power (power over tribunes) Pontifex Maximus(Head priest)
3 items of Augustus
Laurel trees, oak wreath and golden shield