Final Flashcards
Architect & engineer.
Wrote De Archetura
Engineer, politician & general
Wrote on aqueducts
Pliny the Elder
Engineer, navy commander, philosopher. Wrote natural history
Via Appia
First roman road, used for military
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
book about roman navigation and trading in different regions.
Via Privatae
privately owned street
marker that indicates distance or location. On roads, railway lines or canals
Golden Milestone
milestone in the middle of Rome indicating center of the empire
Golden Milestone
milestone in the middle of Rome indicating center of the empire
Roman concrete
concrete containing pozzolanic ash
Covering for Colosseum
Covering for Colosseum
How did Romans build roads?
Sand concrete stone
How did Romans build roads?
They had multiple layers, sand at the bottom, and cement and stones top
What kinds of engineering projects did Emperors get involved in?
The colossus was a statue of Nero and Vespasian who built the Colosseum
Why was Roman concrete a special building material? what were its advantages?
It was stronger and flexible due to it being poured.
What are some buildings built using Roman concrete?
The collosseum used concrete another one is the pantheon.
How were the architects of the pantheon able to achieve the height and span of the dome?
They used arches which use compression in order to hold the structure up. They used concrete. They gave a wide base and narrowed it up to lighten the load.
What are some challenges in studying technology and engineering in Rome?
Lack of sources.
Hard to connect images to texts.
Corroding devices and tools.
Assumptions of less technology.
metal disc as an award in military
What happened at Tetuoburg Forest?
The romans were ambushed by barbarians and were unable to fight properly due to their lack of formation and lack of experience in the setting compared to the barbarians. They suffered a greatly.
Why is the military important in Rome?
It was the peace keeping and police force for the empire. It also took up 50% of state budget. It also constructed infrastructure such as roads, bridges.
What are the three key parts of the Roman army?
Legions, auxillaries and praetorian guard.
How are Roman legions organized?
In 10 cohorts and 4 manipules.
How long did people serve in the Roman army? What could they expect if they completed a full term of service? What would you get if you weren’t a Roman citizen but served in the Roman army?
Depends on your position but it generally 16 to 20. Some could exceed that. They could get land or money after 20. Citizenship after 25.
How long did people serve in the Roman army? What could they expect if they completed a full term of service? What would you get if you weren’t a Roman citizen but served in the Roman army?
Depends on your position but it generally 16 to 20. Some could exceed that. They could get land or money after 20. Citizenship after 25.
Were Roman soldiers paid?
Yes, they could get signing bonuses, bonuses, discharge pension and salary.
Were Roman soldiers paid?
Yes, they could get signing bonuses, bonuses, discharge pension and salary.
Did Roman soldiers have to pay for their own equipment and food?
Yes, Food, Clothes and Weapons.
Who were the highest ranking members of a legion and how were they chosen?
The Legatus Legionis who were chosen by the emperor could also be governor of province. Then Tribunus Laticlavus 2nd in command.
Where were Roman naval bases located?
Rivers ands seas
What kind of tactics were used by the Roman army? What about the navy?
Formations such as the tortoise. The Navy would ram into ships to sink or stop them. They would also us ships with artillery.
Who are the fetiales and what did they do?
They were priests and they woud declare wars and announce peace. They were in charge of peace treaties.
Who are the fetiales and what did they do?
They were priests and they woud declare wars and announce peace. They were in charge of peace treaties.
If you received a triumph, who would have decided that you deserved it and what happened during a triumph?
By the soldiers announcing imperator until augustus
What are some ways that the film Gladiator distorts Roman history?
They falsely portray Marus Aurellius and Commodus’ relationship. Maximus wasn’t a real person
What kind of relationship did Marcus Aurelius and Commodus have in real life and what is our evidence for it?
They were co-emperors, Commodus even erected a monument to his father which shows a seemingly good father and son relationship.
How accurate is the film Gladiator in its portrayal of the lives of gladiators? What depicts what happened in real life and what is exaggerated?
It does show the barracks and the training properly. However there wouldn’t be so many gladiator death since they were expensive. Referees would also be present.
How accurate is the film Gladiator in its portrayal of the lives of gladiators? What depicts what happened in real life and what is exaggerated?
It does show the barracks and the training properly. However there wouldn’t be so many gladiator death since they were expensive. Referees would also be present.
What are the key themes of Marcus Aurelius’ Stoic philosophy in the Meditations?
Enjoy life, Have a strong mind and attacks will be useless. Everything is an opinion not a fact.
Ludi Scaenici
roman plays
recreation of sea battles
recreation of sea battles
Forma Urbis
Marble map of rome
Priscus vs. Verus (Marial De Spectaculus)
they both won since they yielded simeautaniously
What distinguished a gladiator from a soldier? How were gladiators and soldiers similar?
Gladiators were mostly slaves and only fought in the arena. One fought in wars the other for entertainment. Different social classes. They fought to live, and trained often.
What distinguished a gladiator from a soldier? How were gladiators and soldiers similar?
Gladiators were mostly slaves and only fought in the arena. One fought in wars the other for entertainment. Different social classes. They fought to live, and trained often.
What traits were gladiators thought to demonstrate?
Courage, desire to win, training
Why did people want to sponsor gladiator games?
For the people’s appreciation since they provided entertainment.
Who became a gladiator?
Mostly men that were slaves. Some volunteers.
Who became a gladiator?
Mostly men that were slaves. Some volunteers.
How would a day at the gladiator games be arranged?What events would take place during a day of gladiator games?
Previous evening a public banquet, procession in the streets, beast hunting, executions and battles.
How did a gladiator game end? What would happen to the gladiator at the end of the game? What would the winner get?
The gladiator raises their finger then the sponsor decides the fate. Were awarded palm leaves
Do we have any evidence for female gladiators?
Juvenal writes about them. He has a negative view on them. Women shouldn’t be gladiators. There are statues and depictions of them too.
Do we have any evidence for female gladiators?
Juvenal writes about them. He has a negative view on them. Women shouldn’t be gladiators. There are statues and depictions of them too.
What happened to the position of Emperor in the year following Nero’s suicide?
There are the 4 emperors. Galba, Otho, Vespasian and Mucianus
What happened to the position of Emperor in the year following Nero’s suicide?
There are the 4 emperors. Galba, Otho, Vespasian and Mucianus
What are some reasons people used magic in Ancient Rome?
For protection. To make their team win. To curse someone.
What are some reasons people used magic in Ancient Rome?
For protection. To make their team win. To curse someone.
What was the purpose of a binding spell?
To make someone obey your will. Love/Law/Competition
Who was responsible for predicting the future?
They were priests, diviners, shaman and magicians.
Who was responsible for predicting the future?
They were priests, diviners, shaman and magicians.
What laws did the Romans have in regards to magic?
They banned magic against citizens or the state. It was punishable by death in some cases. Making it very strict on magic.