why did the cold war end? (1970-1991) Flashcards
what is detente?
a policy put in place in the 1960’s and 70’s aimed at easing tensions and preventing war- specifically nuclear war between the USA and USSR
mutually assured destruction- the idea that if a nuclear war was started it would result in the destruction of both sides
why was detente started?
the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 brought the world to the brink of a nuclear holocaust- as a result efforts were made to ease tensions and prevent this from happening
what treaty was signed in 1963?
the test ban treaty, this stopped nuclear tests above ground
what treaty was signed in 1967?
the 1967 outer space treaty. It stopped the arms race spreading to space as it pledged that no nuclear weapons would be placed in space by either superpower
what treaty was singed in 1968?
the 1968 nuclear non-proliferation treaty. It agreed that neither superpower would supply nuclear weapons to other states or help other states develop nuclear weapons
what did the 1969 nuclear non-proliferation treaty stop?
superpower conflict engulfing other areas of the world
when did Nixon become president?
what did Nixon promise?
to end the war in Vietnam as it had cost billions of dollars and resulted in the deaths of almost 60,000 soldiers
How did Nixon’s promise link to detente?
a policy of detente would mean less spending on weapons and would mean more money could go towards other issues
why did the USSR want detente?
the USSR was facing financial problems and wanted to cut spending on weapons in order to devote more resources to improving living standards and updating the economy
how many ICBMs did the USA have in 1964?
how many ICBMs did the USA have in 1974?
how many ICBMs did the USSR have in 1964?
how many ICBMs did the USSR have in 1974?
what is an ICBM?
intercontinental ballistic missiles are guided missiles with a minimum range of 5,500 km
what are SLBMs?
submarine launched ballistic missiles
who agreed to begin strategic arms limitations talk with the USA in 1970?
when did the strategic arms limitations talks (SALT 1) take place
May 1972
what did SALT 1 do?
imposed limits on the nuclear capability of the USA and USSR. It was an anti-ballistic missile treaty
what was agreed in SALT 1?
ABMs (which tracked and intercepted ICBMs) would only be allowed on 2 sights with 100 missiles each
what did the basic principles agreement (agreed at SALT 1) do?
laid down rules for conduct of nuclear war. for example, no nuclear warheads were to be placed on the sea bed. Both countries agreed to exercise restraint in their relations
what did the interim treaty (agreed during SALT 1 and only applied until 1977) do?
placed restrictions on the number of ICBMs and SLBMs. The USA could have 1040 ICBMs and 740 SLBMs. The USSR could have 1618 ICBMs and 740 SLBMs
when were the Helsinki accords
what was agreed at the Helsinki accords?
greater cooperation between the superpowers and European allies in terms of trade and fighting international terrorism
freedom of speech
freedom to move from one country to another
the USSR accepted the existence of West Germany
borders cannot be changed by force
what soviet violations of the Helsinki accords did President Carter complain about?
he criticised the soviet union’s poor record on free speech and freedom of movement. He sent a letter to soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov supporting the stand he was taking against the soviet authorities
in Eastern Europe what were the Helsinki groups set up for?
complaining about violations of agreements made at the Helsinki accords
when did Apollo- Soyuz take place
what was Apollo- Soyuz
a joint space mission in which an American Apollo spacecraft and a Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked above the earth
why was the Apollo- Soyuz mission important?
the 1960’s had been dominated by an extremely competitive race to the moon but this marked the beginning of superpowers cooperation in space. 3 US astronauts and 2 USSR cosmonauts met in space, there was a symbolic handshake
when did SALT 2 happen?
who signed the SALT 2 agreement in 1979?
Brezhnev and Carter
what was agreed at SALT 2?
further reductions in strategic weapons which would last until 1985 were agreed upon
a limit of 2400 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles
1320 MIRV
a ban on construction of new land based ICBM launchers
limits on the deployment of new types of strategic offensive arms
why did the USA refuse to ratify the SALT 2 treaty?
the USSR invaded Afghanistan
what did Islamic militants do in November 1979?
they captured the American embassy in Tehran. American diplomats and their families were humiliated and 60 were held hostage for 444 days.
what was a consequence of American diplomats being held hostage in Tehran
it made the USA look weak. many people wanted to see an end to detente and fro America to restore its position as a powerful nation that took strong measures against threats
who was Leonid Brezhnev?
the USSR premier
who was president Mohammed Taraki?
the first communist president of Afghanistan following the Kabul revolution. He allied with the USSR
who was General Hafizullah Amin?
the deputy president of Afghanistan who seized power from Taraki in 1979. He also allied with the USA
who was Babrak Kamal?
an Afghani communist who with the help of the USSR seized power after Amin was shot in 1979. his position as leader was almost entirely dependent on the Soviet Union
why was the USSR interested in Afghanistan?
after Iran overthrew their leader in 1979 and replaced him with a fundamentalist Muslim, Afghanistan was seen as an important buffer zone between the USSR and Iran as the USSR did not want Islamic fundamentalism to spread along its borders.
Afghanistan was also part of the oil rich middle east