WHS Mines Legislation 2022 Flashcards
Section 4. Meaning of a Principal Hazard.
A principal hazard is something that has reasonable potential to result in multiple deaths in a single incident or a series of recurring incidents.
* Ground and Strata Failure.
* Road or Other Vehicle Operating Areas.
* Air Quality or Dust or Other Airborne Contaminants.
* Spontaneous combustion.
* Fire or Explosion.
* Inrush or Inundation.
* Any other hazard identified under WHS Regs Section 34.
Section 14. Management of Risk to Health and Safety.
- A PCBU at a mine site must manage risk to health and safety associated with mining operations in accordance with WHS Regulations.
Section 15. Review of Control Measures.
- A PCBU must review and revise as necessary control measures in the following circumstances.
- An audit of the SMS indicates a deficiency in the control measures.
- An incident occurs.
- WSHR request a review.
Section 16. Record of certain review of control measures.
The operator of a mine site must keep a record of the following after a notifiable incident or an incident referred to in section 124.
* The causes or likely causes of the incident.
* The work health and safety matters arising from the incident.
* Recommendations arising from consideration of the incident, including recommendations directed at preventing a repeat of the type of incident in the future.
* The outcome of the review of control measures.
* A summary of the changes to the safety management system and the affected principal hazard management plan or principal control plan.
Section 18. Duty to establish and implement safety management system.
- The operator of a mine site must establish a safety management system for the mine.
- The operator must so far as reasonably practicable, Implement the safety management system.
- No mining operations take place while a part of the safety management system relevant to mining is not in place.
- The safety management system must form part of an overall management system that is in place at the mine.
- The safety management system must be designed to be used as the primary means of ensuring so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers at the mine and the health and safety of other persons is not put at risk from the mine or mining operations.
- The safety management system must provide a comprehensive and integrated system for the management of all aspects of risk.
- The safety management system must have regard to - the nature, complexity and location of mining operations and the risk associated.
Section 19. Contents of the safety management system.
- Health Monitoring.
- Health and safety Policy.
- Inductions.
- Inspections.
- Incidents and Emergencies.
- Information, Training, and Instructions.
- Consultation.
- Contractor Management.
- Communication Across Shifts.
- PCP.
- Performance Standards and Audits.
- Record Keeping.
- Risk Management.
- Resources to Implement the SMS.
- Supervision.
- Specific Controls.
- Safety Role for Workers.
- Withdrawal Conditions.
- Management Structure.
- Emergency Plan.
Section 20. Performance standards and audits.
The Safety management system must include.
* Performance standards for measuring the effectiveness of the SMS
* Details to show how the operator will ensure the effectiveness of the SMS and include steps to be taken to continually improve the SMS.
Section 21. Maintenance of a safety management system.
The operator of a mine site must maintain the Safety Management System so that it remains effective.
Section 22. Review of the safety management system.
The operator of a mine site must ensure the safety management system is reviewed to ensure it remains effective.
* Within 12 months of commencement of mining operations.
* At least once every 3 years after the commencement.
Section 24. Duty to provide information to contractor.
The operator of a mine site must so far as reasonably practicable, ensure a contractor is given all relevant information and access to the mine site to enable the contractor to identify risks associated with the proposed operations.
Section 25. Duty on contractor to provide information to operator.
A contractor who is to carry out mining operations at a mine site must as so far as reasonably practicable, ensure the operator of the mine site is given all relevant information to enable the operator to identify risk associated with the proposed operations.
Section 26. Contractor to prepare plan or use safety management system.
A contractor must not carry out mining operations at a mine site unless the contractor has.
* Prepared a contractor health and safety management plan.
* Provided a copy of the plan to the operator of the mine site.
* Obtained written notice from the operator that the operator has reviewed the plan and reasonably believes the plan is consistent with the safety management system for the mine site and so far as reasonably practicable implemented the plan.
Section 27. Identification of principal hazards and conduct of risk assessments.
- The operator of a mine site must identify all principal hazards associated with mining operations at the mine.
- The operator must conduct in relation to each principal hazard identified, a risk assessment that involves a comprehensive and systematic investigation and analysis of all aspects of risk to health and safety associated with the principal hazard.
Section 28. Preparation of principal hazard management plan.
The Operator must prepare a principal hazard management plan for each principal hazard associated with mining operations.
* A principal hazard management plan must.
* Describe the nature of the principal hazard.
* Describe how the hazard relates to other hazards.
* Describe the methods used to identify principal hazards.
* A risk assessment conducted in relation to the principal hazard.
* Describe the investigation methods used to determine the controls.
* Describe all control measures to be implemented.
* The arrangements for providing information, training, and instructions.
Section 29. Review of principal hazard management plan.
The operator must ensure a principal hazard management plan is reviewed and as necessary revised if a control measure specified is revised under WHS Regs section 38 or the WHS mines and petroleum Regs section 15.
If a principal hazard management plan is revised the operator must make a written record of the revisions including the revision of a risk assessment in the plan.
Section 30. Principal control plans.
The operator must comply with the requirements for principal control plans specified in this section and schedule 2.
A Principal Control Plan must.
* Be Documented.
* Set out and expressed in a way that’s understandable.
Section 31. Communication between outgoing and incoming shift.
Outgoing – Writes a report to the incoming supervisor in relation to.
* Workings at the mine.
* The state of plant.
* Other work health and safety matters.
Outgoing – Signs to give written acknowledgement on accuracy of the report.
Incoming – Communicates the content of shift with the incoming crew.
Incoming – Gives written acknowledgement the content has been reported to the incoming shift.
Section 32. Movement of mobile plant.
The operator must have regard to all relevant matters including the following.
* The design layout, construction and maintenance of all roads and other areas used by mobile plant including drainage.
* Risk associated with the terrain or terrain adjacent to the road or area.
* Interactions between plant especially between large and small mobile plan.
* Interactions between mobile plant and fixed plant or structures.
* Interaction between mobile plant and pedestrians, including the use of pre movement warning for mobile plant.
* The operation of remotely controlled mobile plant.
* The maintenance, testing and inspection of brakes, steering, lights, and other safety features of the mobile plant.
Section 33. Explosives and Explosive precursors.
In managing the risk to health and safety the operator must ensure explosives and explosive precursors to be used at a mine site are.
* Safe to handle.
* Fit for their intended use.
* As insensitive as reasonably practicable to shock, sparks, friction and the environment in which they will be stored, transported and used.
* As far as reasonably practicable, simple to store, use, transport and control.
Ensure dealing with an explosive or explosive precursor at the mine site complies with the explosives Act 2003 and the Australian standards AS2187 explosives transport and use.
Section 34. Electrical safety.
In managing risk to health and safety the operator at a mine site must ensure the following.
* Electrical works is carried out in accordance with wiring rules.
* Circuits are tested by a competent person.
* A process in place where the individual nominated to carry out the statutory functions of electrical engineering manager or electrical engineer can be adequately notified about the testing as soon as reasonably practicable after the testing occurs.
* Adequately rated switchgear that permits power to be safely switched off and restored and does not permit automatic restoration of power if there is a risk of electric shock, fire, explosion, or unplanned operation of plant.
Plans of the electrical installations of the following matters are kept and maintained and easily accessible.
* The location of each main electricity reticulation line.
* The location of all high voltage cables, aerials, and switchgear.
* The location, rating, identifying label and purpose of each main isolator, substation, and high voltage switchgear.
* Information required to perform switching programs.
* The general location of each item of high voltage mobile plant supplied with electricity by a trailing cable.
* Flexible reeling or trailing cable plant has power interrupted automatically if the continuity of the connection earth is interrupted.
Section 35. Notification of high-risk activities.
The operator must ensure a high-risk activity identified in schedule is not carried out unless.
* The operator has given notice to the regulator.
* The activity is carried out in the way specified in the notice.
* The waiting period specified in schedule 3 has lapsed.
The notice must be given in the approved way and form and must include.
* The nature of the proposed high-risk activity and how it will be carried out.
* The proposed commencement day of the activity.
* The location of the activity.
* Information or documents required by schedule 3.
* The hazards identified as having the potential to arise from the activity.
* An assessment of the risk associated with the activity.
* The relevant parts of the safety management system that describe the systems, procedures, plans and other control measures that will be used to control the risk carrying out the activity.
* The operator must ensure a copy of a notice given to the regulator is also given to ISHR and SSHR
Section 39. Inspections
The operator must ensure arrangements are in place for the regular inspections of the working environment.
The operator must ensure the following are taken into account.
* WHO – Who are the competent persons to conduct inspections.
* WHAT – What procedures do we need for inspections.
* WHEN – When inspections must be carried out.
* HOW – How many competent persons do we need to conduct each inspection.
* RISK – Risk Assessment must be carried out on all areas of the mine.
Section 40. temperature and moisture content of air.
The operator must manage risk to health and safety associated with extremes of either or both the temperature and moisture content of air.
Section 41. Ensuring exposure standards for dust and diesel particulate matter and carbon dioxide are not exceeded.
The operator must.
* As far as reasonably practicable minimise the exposure of persons at the mine to dust and diesel particulate matter.
* Ensure no person at the mine is exposed to 8hour time weighted average atmospheric concentrations of airborne dust and diesel particulate matter that is more than,
* Respirable dust 1.5mg per cubic metre of air.
* Inhalable dust 10mg per cubic metre of air.
* Diesel particulate matter 0.1mg per cubic metre of air.
Section 42. Monitoring exposure to airborne dust and diesel particulate matter.
The WHS Regulation clause 50 applies to.
* The operator of a mine site in relation to airborne dust and diesel particulate matter as if the concentrations referred to in section 41 to which WHS regulation clause 50 applies.
Section 45. Fatigue, alcohol, and drugs.
In complying with section 14, the operator of a mine site must manage risk to health and safety associated with the following.
* Worker fatigue.
* The consumption of alcohol by workers.
* The use of drugs by workers.