Whole History Flashcards
753 BC
Foundation of Rome
509 BC
Republic Begins
280-275 BC
216 BC
Battle of Cannae (Hannibal)
146 BC
Carthage and Corinth razed
88 BC
Sulla makes himself dictator
44 BC
Julius Caesar assassinated
31 BC
Battle of Actium
AD 14
Augustus dies.
AD 117
Trajan dies. Greatest extent of empire
AD 212
Caracalla extends citizenship
AD 235-284
The Anarchy
AD 284-305
Reign of Diocletian
AD 306-337
Reign of Constantine
AD 313
Edict of Toleration (Constantine)
AD 361-363
Reign of Julian
AD 378
Battle of Adrianople. Eastern armies defeated by Goths.
AD 476
Western empire ends. Ostrogoths.
AD 527-565
Reign of Justinian (Reconquest)
AD 636
Battle of Yarmuk. Arabs defeat Rome.
AD 711
Arabs cross Gibraltar. Invade Visigoth Spain.
Foundation of Rome
753 BC
Republic Begins
509 BC
280-275 BC
Battle of Cannae (Hannibal)
216 BC
Carthage and Corinth razed
146 BC
Sulla makes himself dictator
88 BC
Julius Caesar assassinated
44 BC
Battle of Actium
31 BC
Augustus dies.
AD 14
Trajan dies. Greatest extent of empire
AD 117
Caracalla extends citizenship
AD 212
The Anarchy
AD 235-284
Reign of Diocletian
AD 284-305
Reign of Constantine
AD 306-337
Edict of Toleration (Constantine)
AD 313
Reign of Julian
AD 361-363
Battle of Adrianople. Eastern armies defeated by Goths.
AD 378
Western empire ends. Ostrogoths.
AD 476
Reign of Justinian (Reconquest)
AD 527-565
Battle of Yarmuk. Arabs defeat Rome.
AD 636
Arabs cross Gibraltar. Invade Visigoth Spain.
AD 711