Last Republican Century 89-31 BC Flashcards
89-85 BC
First Mithridatic War
Treaty of Dardanus
Further wars:
83-81 and 73
88 BC
Sulla marches on Rome.
Cause: won’t give up Eastern command to Marius.
Reign of Terror.
86 BC
Marius and Cinna recapture Rome. Become consuls
Political violence.
Death of Marius
84 BC
Sulla returns from East.
Makes himself dictator.
73-71 BC
Spartacus revolt
70 BC (2 events)
Consulship of Pompey and Crassus
Cicero makes reputation on trial of Verres
67 BC
Lex Gabina creates Pompey’s super command agains pirates
66-62 BC
Pompey replaces Lucullus in command vs Mithradates
63 BC (3 events)
Cicero’s consulship
Caitlin conspiracy
Julius Caesar elected pontifex maximus
62 BC
Pompey returns from the east retires command. The Senate doesn’t ratify his settlements or his veterans land
60 BC
First Triumvirate
Pompey, Crassus, Caesar
59 BC
Caesar Consul
Campaigns in Gaul 58-53
Britain and Germany
53 BC
Battle of Carrhae
Parthians win
Crassus killed
49-48 BC (3 events)
Civil War between Pompey and Caesar
Pompey defeat at Pharsalus
killed in Egypt
Caesar becomes dictator
44 BC
Caesar murdered Ides of March by senators led by Brutus
43 BC (2 events)
Second Triumvirate
Mark Antony, Lepidus, Octavian
Cicero killed
42 BC
Battle of Philippi
Liberators lose
31 BC
Battle of Actium
Octavian defeats Antony and Cleopatra