Who, What, Why, How, and Where? Flashcards
Who Are the Parties?
test developer
test user
Society at large
create tests or other methods of assessment
test developer
who should have
access to (and be permitted to purchase) psychological tests and related tools of psychological
test user
anyone who is the subject of an assessment or an evaluation
reconstruction of a deceased individual’s
psychological profile on the basis of archival records, artifacts, and interviews previously
conducted with the deceased assessee or people who knew him or her.
psychological autopsy
Types of Settings Are Assessments Conducted,
Educational settings Clinical settings Counseling settings Geriatric settings Business and military settings Governmental and organizational credentialing Academic research settings
tests administered
in the classroom.
help identify
children who may have special needs.
Educational settings
evaluates accomplishment or the
degree of learning that has taken place.
achievement test
description or
conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and opinion.
tool of assessment used to help narrow down and
identify areas of deficit to be targeted for intervention.
diagnostic test
nonsystematic assessment that leads to the formation
of an opinion or attitude.
informal evaluation
setting where tools are used to help screen for or
diagnose behavior problems.
Clinical settings
settings where the ultimate objective of many such assessments is the improvement of the assessee
in terms of adjustment, productivity, or some related variable.
Counseling settings
settings may require psychological assessment to
evaluate cognitive, psychological, adaptive, or other functioning.
Geriatric settings
evaluations are variables related to
perceived stress, loneliness, sources of satisfaction, personal values, quality of living conditions,
and quality of friendships and other social support.
quality of life
loss of cognitive
functioning (which may affect memory, thinking, reasoning, psychomotor speed, attention, and
related abilities, as well as personality)
result of damage to or loss of brain
cells: Alzheimer’s disease.
severe depression in the
elderly can contribute to cognitive functioning that mimics dementia
A wide range of achievement, aptitude, interest, motivational, and other tests may
be employed in the decision to hire as well as in related decisions regarding promotions,
transfer, job satisfaction, and eligibility for further training.
Business and military settings
Members of some professions have formed organizations with requirements for membership
that go beyond those of licensing or certification.
Psychologists must pass an examination before adopting the official title “psychologist.”
Governmental and organizational credentialing
Conducting any sort of research typically entails measurement of
some kind, and any academician who ever hopes to publish research should ideally have a sound
knowledge of measurement principles and tools of assessment.
Academic research settings
discipline that focuses on
understanding the role of psychological variables in the onset, course, treatment, and prevention
of illness, disease, and disability
health psychology
How Are Assessments Conducted?
the form or sheet or booklet on which a testtaker’s responses are entered.
a description of a set of test- or assessment-related procedures
a working relationship between the examiner and the examinee
words about the nature of the test and why
it is important for examinees to do their best may also be helpful.
Assessment of people with disabilities
Alternate assessment
the adaptation of a test, procedure, or situation, or the substitution of one test for
another, to make the assessment more suitable for an assessee with exceptional needs.
an evaluative or diagnostic procedure or
process that varies from the usual, customary, or standardized way a measurement is derived,
either by virtue of some special accommodation made to the
assessee or by means of alternative methods designed to measure
the same variable(s)
Alternate assessment
Where to Go for Authoritative Information: Reference Source
Test catalogs Test manuals Professional books Reference volumes Journal articles Online databases
readily accessible sources of information
usually contain only
a brief description of the test and seldom contain the kind of detailed technical information that
a prospective user might require.
Test catalogs
Detailed information concerning the development of a particular test and technical
information relating to it should be found in the test manual, which usually can be purchased
from the test publisher
Test manuals
students of assessment, as well as assessment professionals, with the thoughtful insights and
actionable knowledge of more experienced practitioners and test users
Professional books
updated periodically, provides detailed information for each test listed, including test
publisher, test author, test purpose, intended test population, and test administration time
Reference volumes
contain reviews of the test, updated or independent
studies of its psychometric soundness, or examples of how the instrument was used in either
research or an applied context
Journal articles
widely used bibliographic databases for test-related
Online databases
Society’s demand for “some way of organizing or systematizing the many-faceted complexity of individual
As society changes, new tests are developed
Laws and legislations on testing
Court decisions
Companies Organizations Governmental agencies Schools Clinic