gathering and integration of psychology-related
data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation that is accomplished through the use of
tools such as tests, interviews, case studies, behavioral observation, and specially designed apparatuses
and measurement procedures
psychological assessment
process of measuring
psychology-related variables by means of devices or procedures designed to obtain a sample of
psychological testing
Varieties of assessment
educational assessment
retrospective assessment
Remote assessment
ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
e use of tests and other tools to evaluate
abilities and skills relevant to success or failure in a school or pre-school context.
educational assessment
use of evaluative
tools to draw conclusions about psychological aspects of a person as they existed at some
point in time prior to the assessment.
retrospective assessment
use of tools of psychological evaluation to gather data and draw conclusions about a subject
who is not in physical proximity to the person or people conducting the evaluation.
Remote assessment
“in the moment” evaluation of specific problems and related cognitive and behavioral variables
at the very time and place that they occur.
ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
process of assessment
collaborative psychological assessment therapeutic psychological assessment dynamic assessment
assessor and assessee may work as “partners” from initial
contact through final feedback
psychological assessment
therapeutic self-discovery and new understandings
are encouraged throughout the assessment process.
psychological assessment
interactive approach to psychological assessment
follows a model of (1) evaluation, (2) intervention of some sort, and (3) evaluation.
dynamic assessment