Who were the first Australians Flashcards
Who was Mathew Flinders?
He was the first person to circumnavigate around Australia and identify it as a continent.
Where and when was Mathew Flinders born?
He was born in Lincolnshire, England on the 16th March 1774
When did Captain Mathew Flinders sail to Australia?
He sailed to Australia in 1795 on a ship called Reliance
What was the name of the ship Captain Mathew Flinder sailed to Australia on?
Where did Captain Mathew Flinders go to in Australia and who was the surgeon when went with him?
He explored the coast line of southern Australia in an 8 foot long boat called Tom thumb. He was with the surgeon George Bass
Why is captain Mathew Flinders famous?
Because he was the first to draw a map of Australia
Who should Captain Mathew Flinders thank for the directions to Australia?
Captain Cook
Why did Captain cook go to Australia?
Because he was sent on a secret journey to find this beautiful continent
Where was James Cook born?
Marton - in - Cleveland, England
When was James Cook born?
27th October 1728
What job did captain cooks father have?
He was a farm worker
What age did Captain cook become a merchant seller
What year did Cook become the commander of a voyage in the Pacific?
What was Cooks ship called?
What was Captain Cooks first voyage ? Where did he go?
To sail to Tahiti and observe the planet venus pass in front of the sun
What else did Captain Cook have to do when he went to tahiti?
He received a secret envelope with instructions to find New Holland (Australia)
Who else was on the boat Endeavour?
Charles green (astronomer) and Joseph Banks (botanist)
Where did Cook go after tahiti?
Cook went to New Zealand and then Australia (new holland)
Where did Cook first Stop in Australia?
Botany Bay
What did Cook do in Botany bay?
He studied animals, plants and local people
Where did James Cook go after botany bay and what happened to his boat?
He sailed up the coast. Unfortunately while he was travelling near the great barrier reef, his ship was damaged by coral reef.
Where did Cook go after the great barrier reef?
Cape York (after his ship was repaired)
What did Captain Cook do in Cape York?
He claimed New Holland to be part of the british empire
When did cook go back on Endevour to England
how many voyages did Cook go on?
When and Where did Cook go on his 2nd voyage?
In 1772 he went further south than any other human and visited Easter Island
When and where did he go on his 3rd voyage?
In 1776 he went to the top of North America to Asia but he was unsuccessful and so he went to Hawaii instead
When and where did he go on his 3rd voyage?
In 1776 he went to the top of North America to Asia but he was unsuccessful and so he went to Hawaii instead
What happened to Captain Cook in Hawaii
At first they got along with the natives. Then someone stole his boat so he kidnapped a chief. The local people attacked and he was killed.
What happened on January 26th 1788?
Captain Arthur Phillip and the first fleet landed at port jackson at sydney new south wales.
What did the first fleet consist of?
11 ships and around 1350 people.
When did the convicts arrive in Botany bay?
Between the 18th and 20th January?
Was Botany Bay suitable for the convicts?
No so they moved to north Port Jackson.
What happened in Port Jackson?
Captain Arthur PhillipHe established the first british colony in Australia
Which ships belonged to the first fleet and how many were there?
- Alexander
- Borrowdale
- Charlotte
- Fishburn
- Friendship
- Golden Grove
- H.M.S Supply
- H.M.S Sirius
- Lady Penrhyn
- Prince of Wales
- Scarborough
What did aboriginal people think when they saw europeans?
They thought that they may be ghosts or evil spirits
What did the aboriginal people do when they met the Europeans?
Some aboriginals tried to find a place for them in their kinship system by treating them as spirits of the dead and offering them food and women
Why did the indigenous people become worried?
Because they were
1. Clearing land near sacred sites
2. Fencing off properties
3. cut access to to waterholes and hunting grounds
4. fishing without permission of the elders
Why did the aboriginals start to view the europeans as invaders?
They saw them as invaders
1. They did not obey their rules
2. They did not speak their language
3. They did not respect their rituals and sacred places
What did the europeans think of the aboriginals?
They saw them as primitive but content.
They live in the natural world
What did captain Watkin Tench think of the aboriginal people?
He said the aboroginals were intelligent and almost geniuses
What do we understand from Captain Mathew Flinders Map
- Maps were drawn as there were no printers
- Catographers had to be very skilled at their job
What do we understand from Captain Mathew Flinders pendant
- Captains were wealthy and wore expensive clothes
- Portraits had to be painted as there were no cameras
What do we understand from Captain Cooks hat
What do we understand from captain cooks telescope
We know that during his time they explored other nations and needed an instrument to see far away and to look at the stars to
1. navigate which way to go
2. look at the stars and planets
What do we understand from Captain Cooks dress sword
These fancy swords were used for ceremonies and tell us Captain Cook went to fancy functions
What do we understand from the cabin tea caddy of Captain Cook
This tells us tea was an important part of british life and effort was put into keeping tea. As the box was beautiful it tells us the carpenters were skilled