Who Said It (studies) Flashcards
From 1989 to 1994 the situation has worsened in UK inner city areas. The underclass has increasing social problems
Charles Murray
Fatherless children don’t have someone to look up to. Boys don’t know their place in society
Dennis and Erdos
As means of production developed, society became more wealthy resulting in private property. From this stemmed the patriarchal nuclear family.
‘World historical defeat of the female sex’ meaning women became an instrument for the production of children
The family being a comfortable place for workers to replenish themselves is an illusion. The family cannot meet all of its members needs
Matrilocal households
Radical fems fail to see the progress made by women.
Women are the ‘takers of shit’
Fran Ansley
Women are used as three things:
- Mothers
- Wives
- Reserve army of labour
A family us a social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. Parents of opposite gender with a socially approved sexual relationship, living with their own or adopted children
The nuclear family is the ‘cereal packet’ norm.
The image of the ideal family creates an ideology making other family types feel abnormal and undesirable.
The definition ‘love parent household’ is clearer then ‘lone parent family’
Crow and Hardy
The ruse in unmarried lone mothers is the result of an over generous welfare state
The argument that people choose to be on benefits (perverse incentives argument) is flawed as the standard of living is much lower.
Ford and Millar
Single mothers embrace the opportunity to be independent and rake control if their own lives
Reconstituted families have the following problems:
- Children pulled in two ways
- Tensions between step parents and children
- Tension between siblings
- Pressure on new relationship
De’Ath and Slater
Step fathers role uncertain- can he be the disciplinarian?
Reconstituted families can heal the trauma of the previous break up and offer a successful partnership
Increased social acceptance of same sex couples has lead to the trend is cohabiting and healthy relationships for same sex couples
Jeffrey Weeks
There are distinctive patterns of family life around the UK
Eversley and Bonnerjea
Extended families most common in families from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan
Western influence on romance results in couples involved in arranged marriages having more say
Allan and Crowe
The fact that Afro-Caribbean families have the highest number of lone mothers and lowest number of lone fathers may be due to two reasons:
- Afro Caribbean women’s more likely to be employed then Afro Caribbean men
- Likely to be supportive kinship network including friends who are referred to as aunts and uncles
Confluent love- doesn’t last forever
Risk society- less influenced by tradition, we do what we choose
Liquid love- love if fragile and can move from one person to the next
No typical family type as we move through different types throughout our lives
Childhood is seen as a period of separateness from adulthood
Functional fit
No single childhood experienced by all young people around the world meaning childhood cannot be biological
Children in Bolivia are expected to take work responsibilities from the age of five
Non- Industrial cultures have less of a dividing line between children and adults therefore childhood must be socially constructed (differs from culture to culture)
Childhood is a recent invention due to industrialisation
Believe childhood is better now (believe in March of progress) - compare the past to the present
Aries and shorter
Gender differences between children: boys are allowed more freedom
Ethnic differences between children- Asian parents strict to daughters
Children should live free from adults who oppress them (child liberationism)
Shulasmith Firestone
The ‘new man’ is more sensitive and gets involved with emotion work- more likely to share conjugal roles
Breen and Cooke
Women going to work and men helping with household chores has lead to a more symmetrical family
Young and Willmott
Women who work full time leads to a more equal division of labour in the home.
Women not working do 84%
Women working do 73%
The commercialisation of housework- expensive household products that do the chores for you
Young and Willmott are wrong- they said men only had to do one job a week for it to be equal
Anne Oakley
Asked 40 women with one or more child under five about housework and found that they did most of the housework
Men also expected a lot of praise when they helped , and were selective with what they did
Anne Oakley
Dual burden
Men don’t do the same amount of housework and tend to do it less well when they do
Jobs women do are more monotonous e.g cleaning
Interviewed 40 couples and found women complained about men’s emotions distance
Men’s saw their main role as breadwinner
Duncombe and Marsden
Prioritise partners and children’s tastes when it came to cooking meals
Charles and Kerr
Most important decisions made by men: work, having children, buying a house etc. Important made by both: holidays, where children go to school etc Less important made by women: food shopping, clothes etc This interview was carried out with 38 middle class couples
Men saw abuse as physical, women’s aw it as a wider range of harm, eg verbal and mental
One incident of domestic a use reported to police every minute in the UK
Definitely an under estimation as many cases aren’t reported
Abuse due to husbands feeling their authority has been challenged
Dobash and Dobash
Domestic violence is the result of stress on the family caused by class inequality
Wilkinson/ Fran Ansley
Higher divorce rates show that people value marriage more as they want to preserve the goodness of marriage therefore end bad ones. Remarry into happier relationships
Work is more desirable for women than ‘home’ as paid work is more rewarding than housework.
Women are more economically independent therefore more willing to end unhappy marriages
Cannot generalise about divorce as all experiences are different