Who opposed Nicholas II - Pt2 Flashcards
Who’s Lenin?
- Brother was executed for attempting to assassinate the Tsar
- on list of ‘dangerous persons’ from 17
- Became a powerful revolutionary writer
- 1903 led the Bolsheviks breakaway movement
When Lenin returned from exile 1900 what did he set to do
Turning the SD’s into his idea of how a revolutionary party must be
What and how did Lenin use ‘The Spark’?
With colleague Julius Martov, founded party newspaper, Iskra ( spark )
- used to put his case to party members
- Criticised Plekhanov for being more interested in reform than revolution
What policy were SD’s following under Plekhanov
‘economism’ not transforming the workers into a revolutionary force
What was Lenins idea
Wanted living and working conditions to worsen so, workers would be more bitter and drive the Russian proletariat to revolution
What happened In 1902?
What did Lenin believe about revolution?
Wrote a pamphlet called ‘What is to be done?’
Biggest attack on Plekhanov
berated him for seeking allies as a group of anti-tsarist elements
Lenin believed revolution would only work if organised led by dedicated revolutionaries
For Lenin how would revolution be achieved?
Applying the teachings of Karl Marx, informed members of Marxism would direct the members
When did Lenin and Plekhanov’s dispute come head on?
- Second congress of the SD party 1903
- Plekhanov tried to avoid confrontation but Lenin made an issue of who had the right to belong to the SD party
What was Lenins intention in the second congress meeting?
Force members to choose between Plehkanovs idea of a party open to all revolutionaries ( broad party) or Lenin’s idea of a small, exclusive party
Why and who did a deep divide occur between
Lenin and his ‘ISKRA’ co -editor, Julius Martov, who shared views with Plhenovs viewpoint
Martov believed behind Lenins tactics that there was fierce determination to become dictator of the party
what happened after a series of votes?
SD congress evenly divided between Martov and Lenin
Lenin claimed he and supporters held majority
Lenins side called Bolsheviks
Martovs group called Mensheviks
their division was only simply of procedure
What was Lenins central notion?
‘Democratic centralism’ = true democracy lay in obedience of the members to authority, only leaders were sufficiently educated in revolution
what was the October Manifesto
Until the October Manifesto 1905 - political parties had been illegal
What caused a surge of non revolutionary groups
Economic boom of 1890s = saw rapid development of lawyers and industrialists.
Liberal ideas of modernising Russia took hold
- 3 Liberal parties:
Union of Liberation
What is the Union of Liberation?
First significant reforming movement
Leaders were academics, Paul Milyukov and Peter Struve
Formed 1904
What did the Union of Liberation achieve and do?
Union tried to bring the various liberal groups together
Couldn’t create a single coherent reforming movement
significance lied in indicating the range of anti tsarist feeling that existed, advancing arguments and ideas that more progressive leaders like WItte took
What is the Octobrists?
Dated since the issue of the Tsars Manifesto of October 1905 that created the Duma
Moderates who were loyal to tsar and gov
Believed in maintenance of Russian empire
Who led the Octobrists?
Leading members were:
Alexander Guchkov
Mikhail Rodzianko
Why were Octobrists dismissed?
Limited aims - appeared as bourgeois reactionaries unwilling to challenge existing system
In Dumas, frequently voiced serious criticisms of Incompetence of Tsar gov
They didn’t want to overthrow stardom but willing to point out their failings
What are the constitutional Democrats?
Kadets largest liberal party, wanted Russia to develop as a constitutional monarchy, powers of tsar to be restricted by a democratically elected National (constituent) Assembly - believed such a representative would settle nations problems
What type of members made up the Kadets?
progressive landlords
smaller industrial entrepreneurs
academics prominent, leader was Paul Milyukov, was founding member of Union of Liberation
What did they do in the Duma?
They were the most outspoken critics of the Tsarist system
What is the Kadet Programme?
Ending of censorship
Introduction of free education
full equality and civil rights for all citizens
All Russian constituent Assembly