Who Moved My Cheese Flashcards
“Having cheese makes you happy.”
When we have what we desire, we’re typically pretty happy. It doesn’t take much to sustain us. The point? When you have what you want… you’re happy.
“The more important your cheese is to you the more you want to hold on to it”
We become increasingly protective of things that provide comfort and “ease”. When we place too much emphasis on our “cheese”, we give it power over us.
“If you do not change, you can become extinct.”
Everything in the world constantly changes. We often forget that we are part of that equation. If everything changes around us but we stay the same… we will be like a nail in a tree. We will become more and more pointless as we are covered up and rendered useless.
“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”
When has fear turned you back? Fear comes in a lot of costumes, but it’s fear nonetheless. If we invest in ourselves, were more confident in our abilities and not afraid of “what will happen,” then life becomes easier.
Who are the primary characters in Who Moved My Cheese?
Sniff, Scurry, Hem, Haw
“Smell the cheese often so you know when it’s getting old.”
Entitlement. Lackadaisical work. Minimal effort. All of these come from becoming stagnant and disengaged. Check your surroundings often to take stock of what is going on. When you get too comfortable, you miss the changing environment around you. Be aware, be prepared, be awake.
“Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.”
Learning new things, talking to new people, taking classes. All things that introduce you to new ideas, experiences, and thoughts. If everything around you is constantly changing and your thoughts and knowledge stay the same… You will not find any new cheese.
“When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.”
Fear is debilitating. The sooner you have confidence enough to learn new things and move in new directions, the sooner you will feel that you can depend on yourself and your abilities. There is nothing so refreshing as being able to count on yourself.
“Imagining myself enjoying new cheese even before I find it, leads me to it.”
Often, the walls that hold us back are purely in our mind. If we spend some time envisioning the future and what life will be like with “new cheese”, it’s easier to take that first step toward a new direction.
“The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.”
Fear. Fear makes us hold on to that which is understandable, familiar, comfortable. Even unhappiness and stress can be “comfortable” as long as they are consistent enough to get used to them. Let go of old ways, thoughts, opinions, decayed facts, and styles and just adopt a new way. If the old cheese doesn’t smell good, it may be time to move on!
“It is safer to search in the maze than remain in a cheeseless situation.”
With all the skills and knowledge I have, it would be better to seek opportunities around me rather than stay in a situation where my “sustenance” is diminishing. It’s a good idea to look around you and see what opportunities are there. Don’t wait until the cheese runs out to go to lunch.
“Old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese.”
The old ways were great. They worked well and got us to where we are at right now. But it may be time to look at things from a new perspective. After all, asbestos used to be the best thing since sliced bread.
“When you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you change course.”
Often, once we try something new we find that it’s not so bad. It’s really an issue of comfort. We get “used” to something. It has its own bad points too but we’ve gotten used to them. Once we try the new, we find that we’re just as adaptable as we need to be.
“Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come.”
Few major changes occur in one fell stroke, they typically occur over time. We push back against all the small changes and miss the fact that there is a larger change occurring around us. Pay attention to the small changes to prepare for larger eventualities.
“Move with the cheese and enjoy it.”
Adaptability is the greatest gift that trade workers have. We have built things for thousands of years, but the way we do it has changed. We’re still building things, just differently. Ride the wave and enjoy your occupation.
Who Moved My Cheese is a cautionary tale about what?
The human response to change and how a positive attitude in the face of large-scale change can increase outlook and opportunities.