UBC Today Flashcards
Who is this?

General President Douglas J. McCarron
The UBC’s goal is to secure _____ or more market share.
Why do we choose 70% rather than something else, like 90%?
Because it is attainable, it is sustainable, it is a tipping point. More than “majority”, 70% would afford us a commanding majority that would allow us to control certain elements of the market.
Why are undocumented workers such a problem?
Undocumented workers provide services that other regularly employed workers provide, except that employers do not pay line items such as workers comp, taxes, unemployment, etc. Issues like this rob communities of much needed tax base, incur fees for the underinsured, and rob the individual of important benefits.
What are our three strategic priorities?
Growth, Skill & Professionalism, Organizational Effectiveness
Name the two sub-topics of GROWTH
Organizing, Retention
Name the two sub-topics of SKILL & PROFESSIONALISM
Craft Training, Education & Development
Name the three sub-topics of ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS
Administrative & Resource Management, Political and Legislative Action, Communication (internal & external)
Increasing our membership and market share through aggressive, comprehensive organizing.
GROWTH - Organizing
Leading our industries with state-of-the-art, high-quality craft training for apprentices and journeymen.
Promoting the goals of the union through effective communication with UBC staff and members, unrepresented workers, industry, government, and the public.
Providing professional development and training for officers, staff, delegates, and members.
SKILL & PROFESSIONALISM - Education and Development
Retaining our members, contractors, and subcontractors.
GROWTH - Retention
Managing and using our resources to promote the goals of the union.
ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS - Administrative and Resource Management
Positively influencing government and legislators at the local and national levels on issues important to carpenters.
ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS - Political and Legislative Action
Why might there be an area that is NOT associated with the UBCs Council Structure?
There are currently very few (perhaps 2) locations that are not associated with a council structure. Primarily in Canada, one specific area has such a large area with so little work that there is only one office that operates independently. This is pretty rare.
What are some advantages of the UBC council structure?
Elected EST responsible for representative efforts. Financial solvency, pooling of resources for greater action, ability to share resources across a larger district area, improved training funds with a larger footprint, and contributors
Why is Puerto Rico considered in the southern district?
Puerto Rico used to have UBC presence. It was lost when we lost the majority of our market share in the south. We never let the area go and have recently begun a battery of organizing efforts in the area following the hurricanes that brought large numbers of construction companies to the area. We are organizing Puerto Rico again.
Why do we consider Convention Delegates important if the main decision makers are the general executive board?
The convention delegates ELECT the General Executive Board. The GEB makes a LOT of decisions. but they are only allowed to do so when elected, by vote, of the convention delegates who were sent by their respective membership. The GEB is ELECTED by the membership by way of delegate voting.
The UBC has 3 primary documents that function as the guidelines by which business is performed. what are these documents:
The UBC Constitution, The Uniform Council Bylaws, The Uniform Local Bylaws
If I wanted to look up how council representatives and organizers are appointed to positions, where would I look?
The Uniform Council Bylaws
If i were interested in determining what job duties my District Vice-President has, where should I consider looking?
The UBC Constitution
Some of the objects the UBC has laid out in its Constitution are:
Encourage an apprenticeship system, Organize workers, Develop improve and enforce programs and standards of occupational safety and health.
What are “Objects” in the Constitution?
Objects are the “things we hold dear”. Or, better said, “this is what we (as a group) stand for.” Objects are the ideas and concepts that we hold in the highest esteem as workers.
Other objects listed in the UBC Constitution are:
Cultivate friendship, reduce the hours of daily labor, assisting each other to secure employment, promote and establish fringe benefit plans for members
In the UBC objects section, “coordinate bargaining toward the goal of taking wages out of competition” is written. What does this mean?
Taking wages out of competition means that our competitors would likely be paying their employees the same amount that we get paid. With everyone being paid the same, the only competition is in skill, attitude, and productivity. A huge deal when our competition can often pay up to 30% less for an unrepresented worker.
Which governing document lays out the purpose and powers of the local union?
The UBC Constitution
Which governing document allows for the handling of internal complaints?
The UBC Constitution
What is the purpose of apprentices understanding the constitution?
So they are better informed on their rights and how the organization is run.
In the Constitution, under Apprentiship, what does A Section 43 say?
That the UBC will establish an Apprentiship program and that the Councils an Locals will be responsibility to develop an impelement those programs.
In the Constitution, under Our Principals, what is Faithful workers Conveying?
That we as Trade Unionists will set a good example for ourselves, contractors and the organization.
In the Constittution, under Objectives, what is section 2 saying?
That we as an orginizaton will; organize members, encourage an Apprenticship program, improve and encourage safety, freindships, and public realtions
What is the purpose of Prevailing Wage?
To create an even playing field for Union and Non Union Contractors, so that project are based on skill and productivity instead of hourly wage. It help set a living wage for the area to help shore up a middle class.
What are some of the affect of losing Right to Work?
Decrease wages
Out of pocket insurance
More on the job fatalities
What is the purpose of State Prevailing Wage?
A STATE law that sets prevailing wage laws at a minimum wage rate for state-funded construction projects (i.e. schools, state buildings, etc.)
How many states currently have Davis Bacon laws?
Who is this?

Second General Vice-President
David Tharp
Who is this?

General President-
Frank Spencer
Who is this?

General Secretary-Treasurer
Thomas Flynn
Who is this?

Canadian District Vice-President
Jason Rowe
Who is this?

Eastern District Vice-President
William Waterkotte
Who is this?

Midewtern District Vice-President
Mark McGriff
Who is this?

Southern District Vice-President
Dennis Donahou
Who is this?

Western District Vice-President
Randy Thornhill
How many Districts are there?
There are 5 Districts:
Canadian District
Eastern District
Midwest District
Southern District
Western District
What position does Jason Rowe hold?
Canadian District Vice-President
What Position does William Waterkotte hold?
Eastern District Vice-President
What postion does Mark McGriff hold?
Midwestern District Vice-President
What position does Dennis Donahou hold?
Southern District Vice-President
What position does Randy Thornhill hold?
Western District Vice-Preident
What postion does David Tharp hold?
Second General Vice-President
What position does Frank Spencer hold?
General Vice-President
What postion does Thomas Flynn hold?
General Secretary-Treasurer
Who do the delegates to the council elect?
The Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Council and The Officers of the Council
Who do the local Union Members elect?
Local union Officers, Delegates to Council, and Delegates to General Convention