Who celebrates the liturgy? Flashcards
they do not call priest as the celebrant but rather they call them the __________.
not for the priests only but for everyone who are gathered within that place
Liturgical Celebration
in all liturgies , christ the lord himself is the one who celebrates the ____________, which encompasses angels and human beings , the living and the dead , the past , the present , and future , heaven and earth . (YouCat 179)
Cosmic Liturgy
celebration of all the faithful
celebration of our life with christ
celebration of meeting christ
solemn yet joyful celebration because we are invited by christ to be his guests in that spiritual meal
not mere spectators but participants or more aptly, _________
it is the whole community , the body of christ united with its head , that celebrates
CCC 1140
by virtue of ________ that makes one share in the sole priesthood of christ , one likewise shares in the common good of the baptized is the ___________.
baptism ; celebrating assembly
different roles in the liturgical celebrations
ministerial priesthood
common priesthood
when someone has received ordination and can administer the sacrament (bishops, priests, sisters)
ministerial priesthood
vocation of all god’s disciples, we are called to follow the footsteps of jesus christ (lectors, choir, sakristan, particular ministers)
common priesthood
cultic action of the total christ (Christus Totus)
The ________ united to its head is the celebrant of the sacramental liturgy
Body of Christ
in the celebration of the sacraments it is thus the whole assembly that is _________, each according to His function, but in the unity of the spirit who acts in all .
in liturgical celebrations , each person , minister , or layperson , who has an office to perform , should carry out all and only those parts which pertain to this office by the nature of the right and the norms of the liturgy.
CCC 1144