Liturgy is the Action of the Holy Spirit Flashcards
The descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues fire upon the Apostles at ___________.
Pentecost inaugurated the time of the church
it is what a soul is to the body
Holy Spirit
principle of life and unity within the church
Holy Spirit
professes the Church’s faith in the Holy Spirit as Dominum et Vivificantem
Nicene Creed
Dominum et Vivificantem
The Lord and Giver of Life
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
Fear of the Lord
helps us recognize the importance of others and keeping the importance of keeping God the central in our lives
ability to comprehend the meaning of God’s message
ability to think about and explore God’s revelation, and also to recognize there are mysteries of faith behind us
ability to see the best way to follow God’s plan when we have choices that relate to Him
courage to do what one knows is right
helps us pray to God in true devotion
feeling of amazement before God, who is all-present, and whose friendship we do not want to lose by avoiding sin
Fear of the Lord
The Holy Spirit unites the church to __________.
“The Holy Spirit’s mission in the liturgy of the church is to prepare the people of god for the meeting with christ , manifest christ , bring about christ work of salvation , and affect the gift of communion in the church.”
Belmonte, 1993
The Holy Spirit is the ________ person of the most Holy Trinity.
it is easy to describe the first divine person , god the father , because although he too , is pure spirit , are rich ideas and experiences of ________ help us greatly to grasp his mystery and to relate ourselves with him .
the holy spirit is the _________ of the Chruch’s faith and the ___________ of sacraments.
teacher ; artisan
the holy spirit prepares the church to receive the _____________.
life of the risen Christ
the holy spirit makes present the ___________ and elicits the response of faith of the believers.
mystery of Christ
intercession in which the father to send the holy spirit , the sanctifier , so that the offerings may become the body and blood of christ and that the faithful , by receiving them , may themselves become a living offering to god.
Epiclesis (invocation upon)