White Rose Facts 3/5 Flashcards
The White Rose
The Associate Member Pin is…
A combination of the original Lambda Chi Alpha pin, and the Theta Kappa Nu badge.
Order of Merit Winners (Alpha-Lambda)
David R. Long, Gerry Reese, William Deeks, David Leathers
Order of Achievement (Alpha Lambda)
Victor L. Goodnight (1964)
Grand High Zeta Members (Alpha-Lambda)
Clair I. Pepper
Mark I. Spencer
Robert W. Jimerson
Geoff Jenks
Spencer Hutchinson
David Leathers
Grand Chapter Members (Theta Kappa Nu)
O.G. Anderson
Samuel Dyer
Author of the Officer Installation Ceremony
Ernst J.C. Fischer
Lambda Chi Alpha’s second Grand High Alpha Designed the Universal Accounting System for Chapters
Linn C. Lightner
Former editor of Lambda Chi Alpha’s open magazine
Rev. S. George “Doc” Dirghalli
Was the fraternity’s exemplar for six decades
George Spasyk
Visionary for a pledge-free fraternal experience. Worked on the Manhattan Project.