When You're Good to Mama Dialogue Flashcards
Velma: Look at this Mama. The Tribune calls me “Crime of the Year”! And The News says “Not in memory do we recall so fiendishly and a horrible double homicide”.
Ah baby, you can’t buy that kind of publicity! You took care of Mama and she took care of you. I talked to Flynn. He set your trial date for March 5th. March 7th you’ll be acquitted. And March 8th, do you know what Mama’s gonna do for you? She’s gonna start you on a vaudeville tour.
Velma: I been on a lot of Vaudeville tours. What kind of dough we talkin about?
Well, I been talkin to the boys at William Morris and due to your recent activities I can get you 25 hundred.
Velma: Twenty five hundred! Most My sister and I ever made was three-fifty!
That was before Cicero, before Billy Flynn, before Mama.
Velma: Mama, I always wanted to play Big Jim Colosimo’s. Could you get me that?
Big Jims! Well, that another story, That might take another phone call.
Velma: And how much would that phone call cost?
You know how I feel about you. You’re like family. I’ll do it for fifty bucks.
Roxie: Who the hell do you think you are…
Roxie, this is Velma Kelly.
Velma: You’re welcome
Roxie, relax. In this town murder is a form of entertainment. Besides in forty seven years, Cook County never hung a woman yet. So, it’s forty seven to one, they won’t hang you.
Velma: There’s always a first
Tell me, Roxie, what do you figure on using for grounds?What are you gonna tell the jury?
Velma: You’re talking to the wrong people.
You see, dearie, it’s this way. Murder is like divorce. The reason you don’t count. It’s the grounds. Temporary insanity. Self defence.
Velma: Well, I’m sure I don’t know. I passed out completely. Only I’m sure I didn’t do it. I have the tenderest heart in the world. Don’t I, Mama?
You bet your ass you have, Velma.
Roxie: So that’s Velma Kelly.
Ain’t she something. She wears nothing but
Black Narcissus perfume and never makes her own bed. I take care of that for her.
Roxie: You make her bed?
Well not exactly. You see Velma pays me five buck a week, then I give the Hungarian fifty cents and she does it. Hey Katalin Hunyak, szeretnem ha megismernéd Roxie Hart ot.
Hunyak: Not guilty
That’s all she ever says. Anyway, you know who’s defending Velma, don’t you?
Roxie: Who?
Mr. Billy Flynn! Best criminal lawyer in in all Chicago. That’s who!
Roxie: How do you get Billy Flynn?
First you give me a hundred dollars, then I make a phone call.
Roxie: I see. And how much does he get.
Five thousand dollars.
Roxie: Five thousand dollars!
I’d be happy to make a phone call for you, dearie.