When worlds collide. Flashcards
Who is Juan Garrido?
Juan Garrido is a black conquistador who was with Cortés at Tenochtitlán and became the first “to plant and harvest wheat in this land.”
What was also known as the “horse latitudes.”
Deadly regions of the ocean was also known as the “horse latitudes.”
What did the Indians who first raised the vegetable five thousand years ago call it?
Who did the unintended voyagers Journey with?
The unintended voyagers journeyed with a man named Francisco de Eguia.
What did Francisco get sick of?
Francisco fell ill, wracked by a cough and burning fever. Sores appeared all over his body—viruelas.
The victims of the disease, where did the sores cover their body?
Its victims were plagued by sores covering “their faces, their heads, their breasts,”
What could the sick not do ?
The sick “could not move; they could not stir; they could not change position …. And if they stirred, much did they cry out.”
In what way did smallpox help Cortés ?
Smallpox helps explain how Cortés managed to conquer a city of over one hundred thousand inhabitants.
What did victorious Spanish discover?
The victorious Spanish discovered that “the streets, squares, houses, and courts were filled with bodies, so that it was almost impossible to pass.
How many people did the war of the conquistadors kill?
The war of the conquistadors kill killed anywhere from 50 to 90 million people in Central and South America.
What did Spaniards ask for?
Spaniards who marched into their towns, several hundred strong, and asked for gold and silver as well as food
Whose men became the first Europeans to see the Grand Canyon?
From the Pacific Francisco Vázquez de Coronado marched into the southwest, where some of his men became the first Europeans to see the Grand Canyon.
What did the conquistadors do when they suspected that the Indians deceived them?
They took hostages.
Set the dogs on their captives.
Killed them.
How did Ponce de León die?
Ponce de León died of a wound inflicted by an Indian’s poison arrow.
Who led the expedition to Florida?
The four were part of an expedition to Florida led by Panfilo de Narváez, a conquistador of the usual stripe.
What did Panfilo de Narváez men do as they put together makeshift rafts for a desperate journey back to Spanish settlements in Mexico?
His men ate the expedition’s horses one by one as they put together makeshift rafts for a desperate journey back to Spanish settlements in Mexico.
How many men survived?
4 men survived
Who were the four men that survived?
A thin fellow named Cabeza de Vaca, the expedition’s treasurer; two Spaniards named Castillo and Dorantes; and a friendly African nicknamed Estevanico (or “Little Steve”—so named, perhaps, because he was really rather large).
How many years were the four men slaves to the Indians?
The four men were slaves to the local Indians for nearly 6 years.
What was Cabeza de Vaca’s vision?
Cabeza de Vaca had a vision to bring together spaniards and Indians to farm and live peacefully.