Wheel of the Year Flashcards
October 31 / November 1
Major Sabbat
Witches New Year. Commemorates the Death of the God. Hold celebrations to honor the dead and the ancestors.
February 1
Major Sabbat
AKA Candlemas, Lupercalia, Feast of Torches, and Brigit’s Day.
Fire festival dedicated to Brigid, Celebrates the first stirrings of spring and the recovery of the Goddess from giving birth to the Sun God.
April 30 / May 1 (traditions vary)
Major Sabbat
Celebrates the marriage and union of the Goddess and God.
AKA May Eve, Cethsamhain, Roodmas, Walpurgis Night.
August 1
Major Sabbat
AKA Lughnassad
First harvest, beginning of the fall harvest.
God is in His full spendor (think olympics), will begin to weaken as the nights grow longer. The Goddess watches in sorrow and joy as She realizes that the God is dying, and yet lives on inside Her as Her child.
December 21
Lesser Sabbat
AKA Winter Solstice
Longest night, shortest day.
Birth of the Sun God from the Goddess.
March 21
Lesser Sabbat
AKA Spring Equinox
Fertility festival, Goddess spreading her fertility across the land.
September 21
Lesser Sabbat
AKA Autumn Equinox
Second harvest festival, God is dead, sacrifices His life for the people and the land. Dies here, celebrated at Samhain.
June 21
Lesser Sabbat
AKA Midsummer, Summer Equinox
Longest day and shortest night. Many herbs are said to have the strongest magical properties at this time of the year. God at the height of his power. Time for spellcasting and other magickal workings!