G - K Flashcards
Grain Dolly
Figure usually woven at Imbolcfrom dried sheaves of grain collected at the previous harvest. The dolly is traditionally burned at Yule and a new one made the following Imbolc.
Great Rite
Symbolic sexual union of the Goddess and God that is enacted at Beltane. Also sacred marriage. It symbolizes the primal act of creation from which all life begins.
This is a magickal workbook containing ritual information, formulae, magickal properties of natural objects and preparation of ritual equipment. Although some wiccans use this term to refer to a Book of Shadows, it is more correctly a name linked with ceremonial magick.
The consort of and co-creator with the Goddess; the masculine aspect of Divine Power.
The creatrix of the universe and everything in it.; the feminine aspect of Divine Power.
Reinforcing one’s connections with the Earth, by releasing one’s excess energy and acquiring the Earth’s stabilizing influence.
The psychic and astral entities who are called to guard the four quarters of a consecrated circle. The term may also be used when referring to the spiritual guardians of a person.
A Wiccan ritual for a pagan marriage.
High Priest
The primary male leader within a coven. Usually a second or third degree male witch who either helped found the coven, was chosen by the High Priestess, or was elected by the members.
High Priestess
The primary female leader within a coven. Usually a second or third degree female witch who either founded the coven or was elected by the members.
Higher Self
That part of us which connects our corporeal minds to the Collective Unconscious and also with the divine knowledge of the universe.
Hiving off
This term is used when a small coven splits off from a larger one.
Horned God
One of the most prevalent God-images in Paganism
I Ching
A Chinese system of divination in which yarrow stalks, or coins are cast to create hexagrams, which are then interpreted from a standard I Ching book.
A Wiccan festival celebrated on February 2nd, also known as Candlemas, Lupercalia, Feast of Torches, and Brigit’s Day. Imbolc celebrates the first stirrings of spring and the recovery of the Goddess from giving birth to the Sun God.