What To Do At Scene Of Crime Flashcards
What is the first thing to do when at the scene of a shop lift?
Hear the witnesses first. What happened? Do they have evidence for it? CCTV? Would they be willing to make a formal statement? Would they be willing to speak in court?
If a person doesn’t give details about themselves, what can you do?
Arrest them.
What do you do when you talk to the suspect of a theft?
Tell them who you are. Say an allegation has been made against them. Explain what the witness has said. Say you are going to question them under PACE.
Give them caution, ask if they understand.
Ask about their personal details. Age, name address.
Ask them to tell you their side of the story.
What was the motive for stealing?
will they admit to it, will they sign for it?
What is PACE?
The police and criminal evidence act. Section 1
What does section 1 of pace allow you to do?
Search anyone or vehicle things in or on a vehicle for prohibited or stolen articles.
Define theft.
A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it.
Before you search a person, what do you ask them?
Do they have anything they shouldn’t have? Anything that might harm you or themselves.
ask them to take their hands out of their pockets so you can see them
ask them to empty out their pockets
When was PACE written?
When you search someone, what human right does it go against?
Article 5. Right to liberty and security.
If a person doesn’t want to be searched, what does it mean?
Under section 23(4) they have committed an offence.
This also happens if they try and conceal something.
Why might you search a person?
Seen it happen Heard Actions. putting something in a pocket in a shop. Conversation. Knowledge. like an intelligence report. Smell.
When looking arresting a person, what do you have to tell them?
Grounds. Object and purpose. Warrant card. Identity no. Station. Entitlement to a copy of the search record. Legal power. You can remind them they are detained for a search.
what gives you permission to search someone?
section 1 of PACE 1984
what is criminal damage?
A person without lawful excuse is destroys or damages any property belonging to another.
Intending to destroy or damage any such property or being reckless as to whether any such property would be destroyed or damaged shall be guilty of an offence.
what is the definition of damage in criminal damage?
Has been harmed, made less useful, less valuable or unusable. It doesn’t have to be permanent.