What Is The Universe Flashcards
What Is our Home Star called
The Sun
What is t temperature of the corona of he sun
Several million degrees
What is the name of the Japenese Satalite that studied the sun
YOKOH Satalite
How far is the sun from us in light time
8 light minutes
How far is Mars in light time
4 Light minutes
What is the Vast Canyon system known as on Mars
Valles Marieneris
Hi far is Saturn in light time from us
71 light minutes
Which spacecraft took beautiful pictures of Saturn’s rings
How far is IO from us in light time
34 light minutes
How many moons does Jupiter have
63 (many more to be discovered)
What is the name of Jupiter’s innermost moon
Which asteroid is shown at the beginning of the book as an example of an asteroid orbiting the sun
433 Eros
How far from earth is Jupiter in light time
34 Light Minutes
What is the name of the mysterious swirling vortex on Jupiter
The Great Red Spot
How long have we known about the Great Red Spot
Since the 17th Centrury
What spacecraft visited Jupiter in 1979
Voyager 1
How far from us is the centre of the Galaxy
25,000 Light Years
How heavy is the Black Hole at the centre of our Galaxy
As heavy as 3 Million Suns
What is the name of the phenomena which in a black whole is the point of no return for any object or light
Event Horizon
How far away is the Galaxy Centaurus A
15 Million Light years
What is the name of the vast cloud of dusty Gas within the Milky Way where Stars are forming
The Orion Nebula
How Far away is the Orion Nebula
1,500 Light Years
When did the Universe begin and with what Theory
13.7 Billion years ago in the Big Bang
How far does Light travel in a year
5,878 Billion (5.8 million - millions)
How fast is the speed of light
186,000 miles per second (around the world 7.5 times in 1 second) the earth is 24,000 miles
What is the Earths Diamiter
7,930 miles
What is the diameter of the Moons Orbit around the Earth
480,000 Miles
How long does it take a probe to get to the Moon
2 to 3 days
The Earth Moon system is part of what?
The Solar System
How far does our Solar System reach out
To the comets 1.6 light years away
How far away is Pluto
3.7 Billion Miles
What is the closest Star system to the Sun
Alpha Centauri 4.35 light years away
How many star systems are there within 20 light years of the sun
79 Star systems containing 106 stars
What are Binery Stars
Two stars within the same system
What is the Beightest star in the night sky
How many stars form the Milky Way
200 Billion
How large is the Milky Way
100,000 light years across
What is our cluster of Galaxy’s called
The local Group
How many Galaxies are contained within the Local Group
How much distace does the Local Group of Galaxies cover
10 Million Light years
What kind of Galaxies are mostly contained within the Local Group
Small Dwarf Galaxies
What Galaxy within the local group is larger than our own
What Galaxy Group is mentioned on this page
The Virgo Cluster
What Supercluster are we part of
Virgo Supercluster
What is the size of the Virgo Supercluster
100 Million Light years (tens of thousends of Galaxies)
What is the name given to the Spherical Region around Earth from which Light has had time to reach us since the Universe began
the Observable Universe
What is the name given to the boundry that seperates the Observable Universe from the rest of the universe
The Cosmic Light Horizon
How far must the light at the Event Horizon must have taken to reach the Earth
13.7 Billion Years